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COURSE IN Cornwall

Cornwall’s status as a peninsula means that the region has a vast amount of coastline that is a favourite place for the seafaring. But for those of us who make a living on land, there are other opportunities to look at – including driving an articulated lorry or other commercial vehicle professionally. The HGV Training Centre is thrilled to be able to contribute by providing high-quality HGV training in Cornwall.

Rest assured that Cornwall is not our only training location – we operate more than four dozen facilities nationwide – but those who live locally can take advantage of convenient training by utilising a centre that is close to where they live or work. One of the reasons we have expanded so rapidly is to make ourselves more convenient and accessible to our students.

You should know that the HGV Training Centre offers a fast-paced and intense training programme specifically geared toward preparing students for the four tests they will be required to take. We are also not afraid to say that we prepare students for those tests because we know it is necessary. Tests are the only means the government has to assess whether or not a potential driver possesses the skills and knowledge to be safe and proficient. For us to not train students for the tests would be to do a disservice to them. Since tests are the measurement, we strive to prepare students to pass the first time.

HGV driving lessons in Cornwall

New CPC Testing Regimen

Before the 2008 implementation of Driver CPC regulations, new HGV and PCV drivers had to pass only two tests in order to get their licences. Things are different now. There are four or five tests, depending on how you count them, that drivers now need to take to get a commercial driving licence. Those tests are:

  • Theory Test – The theory test must be passed prior to beginning practical skills training. It is a two-part test as follows: the first part involves 100 multiple-choice questions designed to test the candidate’s knowledge of general driving principles. The second part includes 19 videos from which candidates are expected to identify up to 20 developing hazards. Candidates must score at least 85 on the first part and 67 on the second part to pass.
  • Case Studies Test – The initial test that must be passed in order to get the driver’s first CPC qualification card is known as the case studies test. This test presents candidates with seven different scenarios involving things they are likely to encounter in the workplace. Each case study is accompanied by six or seven multiple-choice questions. The candidate must correctly answer 40 of the 50 questions to pass.
  • Practical Demonstration – The practical demonstration test is conducted after the driver has concluded formal training. It is a ‘show me, tell me’ examination requiring the candidate to answer questions with a combination of physical demonstration and oral explanation. Questions are based on the Driver CPC syllabus.
  • Physical Skills Test – The physical skills test is the one students tend to dread the most. Interestingly enough, it usually turns out to be the easiest one of all. The physical skills test is a two-part test that allows a candidate to demonstrate that he or she has the necessary skills to drive a large commercial vehicle safely.

When we say we teach to the test, we are saying that we impart the knowledge and skills drivers need to pass all four tests with ease. This includes the theory test taken at the start of the training process. We provide students with advanced software that includes real questions from past tests as well as practice tests students can use to become familiar with how it works. We even offer theory test preparation classes for those who want to take them.

How We Train Our Students

You now know that we teach our students to pass their tests the first time. But how do we do it? We do it using a fast-paced and intense training approach that takes advantage of both short-term memory and the natural building block method under which most people learn routine information.

The building block philosophy dictates that we learn and master one concept at a time. It is the way you learned to dress, feed yourself, and do everyday things around the house as you grew up. It is also the way you learned to do maths in primary school. You learned and mastered one concept before moving on to the next. Throughout the learning process, you progressively completed your body of knowledge by building one concept on top of another.

We follow the same principles in training our drivers. The only difference between what we do and what you might have done in primary school is that we work at a much faster pace. This is where short-term memory comes into play.

The progressive concept of building block learning requires the student to retain information from the previous lesson when starting the next one. By teaching concepts in quick succession, we take advantage of the short-term memory required to connect concept A with concept B. Once connected, those two concepts become a single thought that can then be connected to the next concept, and so on. In this way, students are not presented with a myriad of information that must be remembered for months at a time. We go step-by-step to create an entire body of knowledge that is connected at every point along the way.

This training accomplishes some very important things. It enables students to:

  • learn large volumes of information quickly
  • apply that information for complete understanding
  • retain that information for future learning
  • recall the information at testing time.

Our training approach may seem a bit unusual, but it is the way human beings naturally learn. If there is any doubt as to whether or not it works, you need only take a look at the results. More than 90% of our students across all training programmes pass their tests the first time. By comparison, the average pass rate for the LGV test nationwide is about 55%. The numbers speak for themselves; our HGV training in Cornwall delivers results.

Get Started Whenever You Are Ready

The HGV Training Centre is continually forming new classes to accommodate the hundreds of drivers that pass through our doors every month. This includes our HGV training in Cornwall. You do not need to put off your training for 6 to 12 months if you are ready to get started now. One call is all it takes to set things in motion.

When you contact us, we will provide you with all the necessary information and enrolment details. Should you decide to proceed, we will also provide you with medical and provisional entitlement packs. The medical pack includes your medical exam paperwork and contact information for doctors offering medical exams at good prices. The provisional entitlement pack contains your application along with instructions. If you need any help completing and submitting the paperwork, our support staff will be glad to assist you.

HGV training in Cornwall is your starting point to a career as a professional driver. Whether you are just starting out or in need of a new career due to redundancy, we highly recommend professional driving. It is a great career with lots to offer.

of HGV / LGV / PCV Training

HGV training Services (HGVT) trains over 200 people per month. We are the UK’s largest specialist vehicle training company, training for some of the UK’s biggest organisations.

  • Over 60 HGV Training Courses Centres across the UK
  • We train for some of the biggest organisations in the UK, including HSS Hire, Hackney Council, Enterprise PLC, DHL, the DWP and Job Centre Plus
  • Get your HGV driver licence in under a week
  • One of the highest pass rates in the UK
  • Access to 1000’s of jobs via our unique Jobs Portal
  • Super-competitive prices across the board - save £££’s with daily discounts.


We are open Monday-Thursday 9am to 6pm and Friday 9am to 5:30pm

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