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COURSE IN County Antrim

County Antrim is known for its rugged landscapes and a vast coastline popular with tourists. And like every other area of the UK, the region depends on a robust logistics industry to sustain local economies. Every town and village in the county rely on lorry drivers and their equipment to get consumer goods and commercial supplies into the area. You could be part of this industry by signing up to take HGV training in County Antrim.

Between 70% and 85% of all of the goods transported throughout the UK spend at least some time being transported by lorry. That means without the dedication and hard work of professional HGV drivers, you and I would not enjoy the easy access to affordable consumer goods we now take for granted. The many men and women who drive professionally are an integral part of the economy that we cannot do without.

In light of this, the HGV Training Centre is on a mission to train as many drivers as we can for work in the logistics and transport industries. Offering comprehensive training that prepares new drivers to take their tests is one of the best ways we can contribute toward addressing the ongoing driver shortage. The more drivers we can train and get to testing facilities, the more will earn their licences before going on to be productive members of the workforce.

Training Prepares Drivers for Testing

Training does two important things for new drivers, the first of which is preparing them for testing. Like it or not, testing is the only means the government has at its disposal to make sure a driver possesses the knowledge and skills required for getting a licence. You cannot get a licence if you cannot successfully pass the tests. It is just that simple.

HGV driver training in and around County Antrim

Our HGV training in County Antrim prepares students for the tests by focusing only on that information necessary to pass. Our training can be divided into three main categories, as follows:

  • Driving Theory – New drivers have to learn theoretical information about driving the kinds of vehicles they intend to operate. For the commercial driver, this goes above and beyond the information needed to pass the preliminary theory test before commencing training. Our theory training essentially covers all of the book knowledge that our students need to be safe and successful drivers.
  • Driving Skills – It should be obvious that it takes a tremendous amount of skill to safely operate a large, commercial vehicle on public roads. Between traffic congestion, weather, and dozens of other potential hazards, the professional has a lot to pay attention to. He or she needs to possess a range of skills to safely drive in the midst of everything going on around him/her.
  • Practical Skills – Lastly, there are practical skills that go along with HGV driving. These are things such as doing walkaround checks, properly loading cargo, and keeping appropriate records and log books.

All three areas of training are tested to ensure a candidate learns what he or she needs to know. There are four tests that every new driver must take and pass in order to obtain a commercial driving licence. Those tests are:

  • Theory test
  • Case studies test
  • Driving skills test
  • Practical demonstration test.

We make a point of never moving our students into testing until we are confident they are capable of passing. When a student is struggling, our instructors are trained to come alongside and provide the necessary extra help and support.

Training Prepares Drivers for Their Careers

The second important thing training does for the driver is prepare him or her for a successful career as a professional. As we mentioned previously, the UK is currently in the midst of a very profound driver shortage that only looks to get worse before it gets better. Employers do not have time to spend the first few months of employment training a driver. They need drivers who are ready to go from the moment they are hired.

Our HGV training in County Antrim is the kind of training you need to secure a job as a professional. Not only is our training of the highest quality, but our reputation also speaks for itself in the haulage and transport industries. Employers know that drivers trained by us have what it takes to be the best in the business.

Our reputation is the result of our model for doing business. We have developed our training methods and operational standards with a single focus in mind: producing outstanding drivers that have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform up to employer expectations. To that end, our business and training model centre on the following concepts:

  • Learning and Application – It is one thing to learn how to drive an HGV theoretically; it is an entirely different matter to apply that knowledge to actually driving one. The HGV Training Centre offers programmes that include time in the classroom as well as time spent driving a late model HGV. Our drivers apply what they learn before being tested.
  • Building Confidence – Undergoing HGV training can be a stressful proposition for even the most focused individuals. Making matters worse is the potential loss of self-confidence when mistakes are made. Our instructors understand this principle, which is why they work so hard to build confidence in their students. We want our students to know that they can rely on their training and that they can perform to the highest standards.
  • Concentrated Learning – It has been our experience that a focused learning approach taking advantage of short-term memory is the most successful way to teach students how to drive HGVs and PCVs. Concentrated learning is not only fast, but it is also conducive to comprehension, retention, and information recall.
  • Individualised Support – One of the greatest advantages of undergoing our HGV training in County Antrim is the individualised support we provide. We understand that students learn in different ways and at different paces. We support each one throughout the entire process, from start to finish.

Those who successfully complete our training programme go on to pass their tests the first time at a rate consistently above 90%. With licences in hand, they then embark on the process of finding a job – with our help, of course. The HGV Training Centre provides job placement assistance for every successful student that includes, among other things, access to our up-to-date jobs database.

Train for Your Career with Us

We are aware that you have numerous options for HGV training in County Antrim. We encourage you to consider training with us. We are the UK’s largest and most reputable provider of commercial driver training for new drivers; we would be honoured with the opportunity to train you for a long and rewarding career as a professional driver.

You can learn more about our HGV training in County Antrim by contacting us on our freephone number or through this website. We can provide all the details you need about training centre locations, class schedules, training programmes, and prices. Please contact us even if you are concerned you don’t have the money to pay for training up front. We might be able to finance your training through a programme offered by our financing partner.

The logistics industry is vital to the economy of County Antrim, just as it is in every part of the UK. We hope you will consider contributing to that industry as a professional driver, even if you are young and just starting the process of selecting your career. And if you are an older person looking for a new career, we welcome you as well. It is never too late to switch gears by signing up for HGV training in County Antrim.

of HGV / LGV / PCV Training

HGV training Services (HGVT) trains over 200 people per month. We are the UK’s largest specialist vehicle training company, training for some of the UK’s biggest organisations.

  • Over 60 HGV Training Courses Centres across the UK
  • We train for some of the biggest organisations in the UK, including HSS Hire, Hackney Council, Enterprise PLC, DHL, the DWP and Job Centre Plus
  • Get your HGV driver licence in under a week
  • One of the highest pass rates in the UK
  • Access to 1000’s of jobs via our unique Jobs Portal
  • Super-competitive prices across the board - save £££’s with daily discounts.


We are open Monday-Thursday 9am to 6pm and Friday 9am to 5:30pm

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