HGVT has the largest network of training centres in the UK.
Our network ensures that 95% of the UK population is never more that one hour away from one of our centres.
Take a drive along the M40 in Warwickshire and you are likely to encounter quite a few articulated lorries, cargo vans, and even buses and coaches. That’s because the motorway is a major artery between London and Birmingham. Combined with the M6, M69, and M42, the M40 gives drivers easy access to other parts of England that makes travelling through the region a pleasure.
Have you ever stopped to consider what it takes to get a licence to drive one of those articulated lorries or buses? You need a 4- to 6-week training course that will enable you to get a Category C or Category D licence. That is just what our HGV training in Warwickshire is designed around. We train new drivers, help them get their licences, and then help them find work in the haulage and transport sectors.
Make no mistake, there is plenty of work available. Both sectors are currently short tens of thousands of drivers combined. Furthermore, conservative estimates suggest we will need some 100,000 new drivers before the end of the decade to account for the expanding economy and a wave of retirements set to take place over the next several years. It is clear to those of us in the training sector that we need to get as many drivers into the industry as we can.
Our company was originally established with a vision to help alleviate the driver shortage by training large numbers of new drivers just entering the industry. That vision has not changed at all. Thankfully, we have also been able to deliver on the vision via a fast-paced and intense training programme that gets results.
Students who train with us quickly understand that our results are rooted in the fact that we are genuinely concerned about the future of each and every driver who passes through our doors. That commitment is demonstrated in lots of different ways:
You have plenty of choices for HGV training in Warwickshire. We know that. That is why we work so hard to make sure the HGV Training Centre is your best option. We challenge you to put us to the test if you are considering undergoing training to get your professional licence. We promise you will not be disappointed with the training service you receive.
The job market is one market that proves the concept of supply and demand. When demand for qualified workers outstrips supply, the results are higher wages and increased job security. That is exactly what we are seeing right now in the haulage and transport sectors. Companies are increasing pay and benefits as they compete for a limited number of new drivers entering the profession. Job security is a natural result of not having enough qualified drivers to fill every open position.
In short, becoming a professional lorry or bus driver offers the very two incentives of competitive pay and job security. Professional driving is well worth looking into if you are a young person looking to establish a lifelong career you can build a future on.
The National Career Service suggests that starting pay for new drivers is between £18,000 and £22,000 annually. Average pay across the industry is just under £25,000. However, no driver has to settle for average pay. You can earn more by getting additional certifications and accumulating miles and time. It’s not unheard of for an experienced hazardous materials driver to make £40,000 per year or more.
Please note that the HGV Training Centre provides job placement assistance to every student who completes our HGV training in Warwickshire. In fact, we consider what we do more than just simple assistance. We come alongside you with an up-to-date jobs database and constant encouragement that keeps you going until you actually find work. For most students, this does not take long.
Rather than going to university and spending 2 to 4 years earning a degree that may not even help you get a job, you can undergo HGV training in Warwickshire and be working in about six weeks. That’s right; six weeks is all it takes for most of our students to go from being completely unqualified to putting in that first job application. We make it possible through our fast-paced and intense training course that focuses squarely on the information you need to pass your tests.
Training to tests may not be an ideal strategy in some areas, but it is the only effective strategy for HGV training. To understand why you need only consider that testing is the sole means by which the DVLA can determine whether a driver deserves to have a Category C or Category D licence. If you pass your tests, you get your licence. If not, you either repeat training or find something else to do.
As far as we are concerned, the only option is to pass the first time and get your licence. Therefore, we focus our attentions squarely on the:
Teaching to the tests allows us to focus a student’s mind so that he or she is fully prepared to satisfy what examiners are looking for at testing time. Above and beyond that knowledge, we also instil confidence in our students by giving them opportunities to practice before they ever take the real tests. We even go so far as to send an instructor with each student on the day the final two tests are taken. This boosts confidence while giving students an opportunity to ask any last minute questions or talk through any doubts and fears.
You have multiple options for HGV training in Warwickshire. However, we believe the HGV Training Centre is your best option. Our high-quality training and higher-than-average pass rates prove that we deliver on our promises. If you have been thinking about embarking on a career as a professional lorry or bus driver, we invite you to contact us for more details about our HGV training in Warwickshire.
HGV training Services (HGVT) trains over 200 people per month. We are the UK’s largest specialist vehicle training company, training for some of the UK’s biggest organisations.
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