As you head back to work at the same job you had last year, and possibly the year – or several – before that, it’s time to ask yourself a very important question: are you really happy at work. Considering we spend almost our entire waking week at work, career satisfaction is a huge part of our daily happiness and a defining factor in our mental health too. If you’re working at a desk job, you might well be considering options that get you out of the office and into more interesting surroundings, where you can problem solve and meet new people.

Here we compare some of the most popular jobs that take place away from a desk, and look at how they each look next to a job driving around the city, country or world as a professional driver.


To be a plumber takes many years, not only of training but of experience. You should expect to train on an official course for around 3 years, and may then choose to do an apprenticeship to solidify your skills. After all of this, you can expect to earn an average salary of £31,000 per year, and will face fierce competition in the marketplace – whether you work for yourself or for someone else. Because the job is one in which you must respond to client calls, you may find that work is unpredictable, and you may not be able to create a standard set of working hours for yourself.



Electricians need even more training than plumbers, and can expect to train for a minimum of 4 years, after which they can expect to earn an average of £32,000 per year. As before, the job market is very competitive, and it helps if electricians have also undertaken some apprenticeship work on top of their training. Again, as with being a plumber, being an electrician can mean unpredictable hours, and taking the work whenever it comes.


HGV Driver

As long as you already have a car licence, you can train up to become a fully-qualified HGV driver after just 20 hours training, a theory & medical exam. First you take your Class 2, or Cat C, and then you can progress to your Class 1 – or Cat C+E – to drive even larger vehicles. Again, you will undertake 20 hours of training, a medical, and an exam successfully in order to gain the qualification. Once you have your Class 1 licence, you can expect to earn an average of £32,000 per year. On top of this, you will have your pick of jobs, because the UK haulage industry is currently around 10,000 drivers short of what is needed.

Your hours are tightly regulated, and you’ll work to the patterns that best suit you. And in addition, you can also travel abroad regularly with some jobs, going to Europe or even further afield while being paid for the experience.


In Conclusion

As you can see, when we talk about the benefits of HGV driving we have plenty of reasons to believe it’s the best new career you could wish for. To find out how to start your training now for just £10, contact one of our friendly team for a free, no obligation chat.


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