Intelligent Telematics, the manufacturer of the IT1000 3G-camera system, recently released statistics showing the effectiveness of their equipment in improving overall road safety and reducing the number of fraudulent insurance claims among their customers. Equally impressive though is the fact that the data is also being used to improve driver performance through transport training.

HGV UK reports a road accident reduction of 45% among those companies that have installed the 3G camera system. That number alone is remarkable. Reducing the number of crashes so dramatically reduces injuries and fatalities, insurance claims, and the amount of money lost by haulage and transport companies due to vehicles being out of service. Imagine what an impact there would be if every company in the UK installed similar equipment in their vehicles.

In addition to reducing accidents, the equipment is also revealing mistakes and poor performance among drivers. How? By collecting more than just video footage. The IT1000 system combines HD video with telematics data including speed and, in the case of accidents, impact force. Companies can review the data to analyse how drivers can improve their performance behind the wheel.

Whether it is a case of a simple mistake or purposeful carelessness among drivers, transport training can be used to correct deficiencies. This should result in a company’s safety record being improved even more. Moreover, when safety is improved, so is the company’s bottom line.

Lastly is the question of fraud. Over the years, we have seen an increase in the number of scam artists deliberately causing minor crashes in order to make inflated insurance claims. In addition, even when professional scammers are not trying to bleed the system, average motorists know that in an accident involving an HGV or PCV, it is easier to settle because of the bias in their favour. Having video and telematics data levels the playing field.

Technology Improving Transport

We believe it is a good thing to see technology improving the transport industry. Whether you are talking about articulated lorries or tourist coaches, anything that can make the roads safer is a good thing. And in the case of 3G video and telematics equipment, using the technology to improve transport training is ideal.

New drivers require a certain amount of time on the road to learn all the nuances of driving safely. During the interim, they may be prone to simple mistakes that could be corrected through remedial training. Where seasoned drivers are concerned, it is easy to forget basic principles of safe driving if not reminded of them from time to time. Again, having video and telematics data can help by enhancing the transport training companies put their drivers through.

The HGV Training Centre can provide that transport training for your company drivers or an individual. All of our classes are conducted by trained and experienced instructors who are experts in road safety for the transport industry. By the time you complete your training, you will be among the safest drivers in the industry.


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