Earlier this year, the Transport Select Committee was entertaining the possibility of partnering with the haulage and transport industries to address the ongoing driver shortage. The Committee asked for input from industry groups who believed they might have common sense solutions that could be applied with government support. Of course, groups like the Freight Transport Association (FTA) had plenty to say. Among with their suggestions was a warning against implementing any additional CPC training requirements.

As things now stand, new drivers must undergo an initial training regimen that includes CPC training in order to obtain a commercial licence. They must then undergo 35 hours of additional training every five years to keep their certification. The most positive aspect of the mandate is that training providers are free to develop their own CPC training courses as long as said courses fall within the scope of the government’s Driver CPC syllabus. That syllabus covers five primary areas:

  1. loading commercial vehicles in a safe manner
  2. proper load securement techniques
  3. assessing and handling emergency situations
  4. conducting proper walkaround safety checks
  5. preventing illegal immigration.

Because the Driver CPC syllabus provides so much latitude, PCV and HGV operators have the freedom to undertake training programmes that are unique to their business operations. The FTA believes it would be unwise to make any changes that might restrict this freedom. Doing so would only make it harder to recruit, train, and retain the best drivers in the business.

Mandates Can Go Too Far

At the HGV Training Centre, we will be the first to acknowledge the importance of comprehensive training for safe and efficient drivers. But we also know first-hand that it is possible to over-regulate. Mandates can go too far, especially when they restrict the ability of training companies and employers to address the needs of individual companies apart from broader industry practices.

We accept the current Driver CPC mandates as is. We recognise their necessity and fully support training commercial drivers accordingly. But we also agree that modifying the mandate to make training requirements more restrictive will only harm efforts to recruit new drivers. We cannot afford that additional harm.

We Provide CPC Training

There is no telling what the Transport Select Committee will do with Driver CPC requirements in the future. At any rate, the HGV Training Centre will continue offering our ongoing CPC training to commercial clients. We can train your entire team of drivers as a single unit or in smaller groups so as not to disrupt productivity. Keep in mind that your drivers can complete their 35 hours of ongoing training at any time during the final year of their current qualification card.

If you are not yet a licenced driver, your initial CPC training will be included in your HGV or PCV training programme. The qualification card you eventually receive will be good for five calendar years. You can then return to the HGV Training Centre for ongoing training.


  1. Handy Shipping Guide – http://www.handyshippingguide.com/shipping-news/freight-transport-group-again-lobbies-for-assistance-with-road-haulage-driver-apprenticeships_6744


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