An angry coach driver in London apparently set aside some of what he learned in bus driver training when he mounted the pavement in an attempt to stop two cyclists. The incident, which took place on August 2, resulted in no injuries to either the cyclists or the bus passengers. However, it did cost the angry coach driver his job.

According to news reports, the incident started when the coach driver came upon the cyclists using marked cycle lanes as they approached the Tower of London. At some point, road markings directed the pair onto a shared lane, which did not set well with the coach driver who was then slowed by the cyclists in front of him. He then passed the cyclists and veered left to mount the pavement in an effort to block their path.

Video recorded by a camera mounted on the helmet of one of cyclists shows the bus driver stopping his vehicle, opening the door and yelling at the cyclists rather aggressively. The cyclist believes the incident would have escalated had it not been for the camera mounted on his helmet. He forwarded footage of the incident to the driver’s employer, Golden Tours, who dismissed the driver a few days later.

Sharing the Road

The incident between the Golden Tours coach and the two cyclists is disturbing, to say the least. Here at the HGV Training Centre, we teach our students the importance of safety and sharing the road with cyclists. Even if the cyclists had done something wrong, and there is no reason to believe that is the case, a bus driver has to understand that the size and weight of his or her vehicle makes it a deadly weapon when operated aggressively. Mounting the pavement to block the path of cyclists is completely unacceptable.

For better or worse, commercial vehicles do have to share the roads with cyclists in busy cities like London. It is part of the urban life. Therefore, it is imperative for bus drivers to always be mindful of the fact that cyclists are potentially all around them, even as they are trying to provide enjoyable tours for their passengers. In addition to the safety of the cyclists and others, this one driver’s actions will forever be associated with London in the minds of his tourist passengers when they think about their time in the capital.

Train with Us

The HGV Training Centre believes that the right kind of training can produce safe and efficient drivers for all classes of commercial vehicles. In addition to training for trucks and heavy construction equipment, we also offer bus driver training for city buses, tour buses, and coaches. We can train you for a long and productive career as a professional bus driver.

To get started, just give us a call at your leisure. As long as you have a valid car licence and can pass a routine medical exam, we can get you enrolled in classes right away.


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