Lincolnshire’s Treasure Transport Services recently announced that they would be installing new blind spot sensors on some of their trucks for the purposes of testing their effectiveness. If the trial run proves successful, they plan to fit all of their trucks with the sensors. The sensors are designed to alert drivers when a smaller vehicle is coming up alongside in what is now typically a blind spot.

Industry experts say the time for this technology is long past due. No matter how many mirrors are used and how much training a driver receives, nothing can be done to completely eliminate blind spots from the driving equation. And unfortunately, car and motorbike operators fail to remember how difficult it is for lorry drivers to see them as they pull up alongside an HGV.

Every month numerous accidents on UK roads can be directly attributed to blind spots. And as much as the general public likes to blame HGV drivers, this is one area completely outside the control of even the best of them. It is simply not possible to provide complete coverage with mirrors. The sensors being tested by Treasure make up for what mirrors lack.

Placed strategically around the HGV, the sensor will identify vehicles pulling up alongside in the same way a motion sensor can trigger an alarm or turn on a light. Except in this case, the alarm will be signalled inside the cab of the lorry. The driver will know exactly where the smaller vehicle is, allowing him or her to make decisions accordingly.

We hope the sensors end up being a great success. If they do, it is likely they will eventually become standard equipment on all new HGVs coming off factory lines. Until then, it’s up to the driving public to remember blind spots do exist. Whether a driver received his or her HGV training in Lincolnshire, London, or Liverpool, he or she needs the assistance of everyone else on the road in order to stay safe.

The instructors at the HGV Training Centre are well aware of the blind spot issues commercial drivers face every day. That’s why it is an integral part of the training we provide. We train both in the classroom and behind the wheel, making sure our students are fully prepared to stay safe on the roads.

The HGV Training centre works with individual drivers looking to start a new career or corporate clients who need comprehensive fleet training services. In any case, we take great pride in making sure all of our students leave our facilities with the skills and knowledge they need to perform above and beyond the call of duty.

We would be honoured to help you get started on your way to a new HGV or PCV licence. If you already have a licence, we can help you complete the necessary CPC requirements you need to keep it. Whatever you need, we’re here to help. Please contact us at your earliest convenience so we can get started right away.


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