Imagine being stuck in a frustratingly long traffic jam knowing that every minute you waste is another minute added to your workday. This very scenario is something that van drivers face every day. How those drivers handle the daily frustrations of their jobs partly determines how safely they drive and how considerate they are of others on the road. In light of that, perhaps bubble wrap should come with every van driving licence issued in the UK.

Bubble wrap, you ask? Indeed, bubble wrap can be very therapeutic as a way to relieve stress. Somewhere out there is a van driver who uses it for that very purpose while en route. The Metro published his picture on 2 January (2016) – a picture showing him patiently working a piece of bubble wrap while waiting in a traffic jam. The good news is that he is popping bubbles rather than laying on the horn or trying something stupid, like passing on the hard shoulder in order to continue his journey.

As the Metro points out, playing with bubble wrap has already been proven to be a very effective anger management technique. The driver they profiled may already be aware of this. He may have been working his stress out on the plastic packaging material so as to keep his emotions in check while waiting in traffic. Would it not be great if every van driver had access to as much bubble wrap as he or she wanted during the workday?

Stress-Free Driving Is Safe Driving

The Metro did not say where the published photo was taken or who the driver works for. No one really knows if the point of playing with the bubble wrap was indeed to relieve stress. But all kidding aside, we can still say that stress-free driving is safe driving compared to some of the other options. Being able to control one’s emotions during traffic jams and inclement weather is an important skill that all professional drivers should possess.

We may not give out bubble wrap with every van driving licence earned through our training, but we do spend time addressing stress with our students. We believe fleet managers and employers should do the same. Taking time out on a regular basis to review the kinds of things that cause stress behind the wheel also gives trainers the opportunity to teach drivers new strategies for dealing with that stress. Regular training in this area makes it easier for drivers to remain calm and collected even when things go wrong. That makes everyone safer in the long run.

What do you think? Should bubble wrap come with every van driving licence? It is probably not a practical idea that would ever get attention, even if someone did try to implement it. Nonetheless, we should all do what we can to relieve stress behind the wheel. That goes for every professional driver regardless of whether he or she drives a van, lorry, bus, or coach.


  1. Metro –


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