Last month we published a blog post reminding LGV drivers about the new CPC requirements being forced on the industry. Whether we like it or not, the new training is mandatory. That means the clock is now ticking on the LGV driver who wants to remain employed after September of next year. The rule changes apply to drivers of lorries, tanker trucks, heavy equipment, etc.

In order to continue legally operating a large goods vehicle, currently licensed drivers must complete 35 hours of remedial training through a certified training centre. Once complete the driver will be good to go for three years of uninterrupted driving. After that, he or she will need to repeat the process. The average cost of the training with a company in the UK is approximately £1,200.

Little Progress

The commercial driving industry was made aware of the new training requirements as early as summer 2012. However, as the Daily Star recently reported, nearly 337,000 of the nation’s 600,000 LGV drivers had not yet begun receiving their additional training. As we get closer to the 2014 deadline, it’s expected open classroom slots will be harder and harder to come by.

The Daily Star believes much of the delay is the result of a misconception that the deadline will be extended or the regulations rolled back. Industry experts say neither scenario is likely to happen. Come September 2014, the LGV driver who has not completed training will be putting his or her employer in a precarious position while at the same time jeopardizing his or her own job.

Further compounding the problem is the ongoing shortage of qualified commercial drivers. Recent estimates suggest a fair number of current LGV drivers will retire next summer rather than putting themselves through the expense and time of additional training. Those retirements, combined with jobs lost due to lack of training, will make the driver shortage that much more severe.

If there is any good news here, it is that most drivers still have 16 months to complete their training. Coach and bus drivers, on the other hand, must complete their training by September of this year. CPC training is available at most commercial driver training facilities around the country.

Here at the HGV Training Centre we offer all the classes you need to complete your CPC training. We encourage you to contact us right away in order to enrol in classes that meet your needs and schedule. Moreover, if you are currently a coach or bus driver, you absolutely cannot wait any longer.

When you train with us, we make sure it’s done the right way. The HGV Training Centre believes in an approach that is very fast and very aggressive. We believe this is the best way to learn and put into practice the knowledge you have gained before you forget it. When you contact us we would be happy to discuss your CPC training and all the options available to you. We are the largest and most respected training company in the UK with dozens of facilities around the country.


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