Our experience as a UK-based driver training company exposes us to a lot of HGV traffic coming in and out of the cities and towns in which we operate. For example, we offer HGV training in North Lanarkshire. This busy region just north of Glasgow constantly sees traffic as a result of commerce between Scotland and England. It is one of the most heavily congested areas in Scotland. Having said that, we can see why a consortium of companies within the haulage and transport sectors has embarked on an ambitious project to cut fuel consumption throughout the industry.

There is not much that can be done to reduce the volume of HGV traffic without harming the economy. As we all know, the haulage industry is a major player responsible for carrying consumer goods all across Europe. It would not be possible for us to sustain our current level of economic activity without also sustaining the haulage sector. Since reducing volume is out of the question, any reduction in fuel must focus on vehicles that are more efficient as well as better road systems.

Vehicles that are more efficient are what the consortium, led by Renault, is championing. Their programme will focus on developing a fleet of new HGVs built on technologies that they hope will reduce fuel consumption by as much as 13%. The consortium will begin with a Renault Trucks Range D Wide Euro 6 as their prototype platform.

The consortium’s programme, dubbed the Efficient Distribution Truck (EDIT) programme, is committed to building their new vehicle using materials and technologies that should be readily available throughout the industry by the end of the decade. If they can manage it, achieving a 13% reduction in fuel costs would be no small matter. Especially given the fact that their prototype platform is a refrigerated truck that uses fuel for both mobility and cold storage.

The Industry Must Innovate

One of the things we focus on in our HGV training in North Lanarkshire is the fact that individual drivers have the responsibility of doing everything they can to meet employer obligations while also maintaining regulatory compliance and safety. Likewise, companies such as Renault and its partners have a responsibility to push the industry forward with innovations that will make haulage and transport more efficient and safe. The EDIT project is a good example of that.

Governments throughout Europe are unquestionably committed to reducing fuel consumption and, along with it, greenhouse gas emissions. And make no mistake; they will force innovation on the industry if manufacturers do not undertake the necessary changes on their own. The EDIT consortium is a great example of the industry being proactively innovative for the future.

As for the HGV Training Centre, we will continue to do our part by offering the best HGV training in North Lanarkshire and all across the UK. We can train you to drive HGVs and PCVs for a living. We also provide training for vans, heavy construction equipment, forklift trucks, horseboxes, and more.


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