The Department for Transport (DfT) has finally published new rules governing quiet deliveries in the UK. The new rules are part of a document entitled Quiet Deliveries: Good, Practice, Principles And Progress, a document intended to provide guidance that will allow haulage companies to make more deliveries in off-peak hours without disturbing local residents. The Freight Transportation Association (FTA) contributed to the new guidelines on the behalf of the haulage industry.

The necessity of the new guidelines is underscored by the debate between haulage companies and local municipalities. Local officials want to see more deliveries made in off-peak times in order to increase road safety, yet haulage companies have maintained it is impossible to make such deliveries without conflicting with the law. We hope that the guidelines address the issues adequately.

If so, we can expect to see more deliveries made earlier in the morning, later in the evening and even during the overnight hours. This should help ease traffic congestion considerably which, in turn, would produce a number of desirable benefits.

First of all, it would improve safety by reducing the number of HGVs that could be in accidents with other cars or cyclists. Second, it will allow haulage companies to be more efficient because they will not be slowed down by traffic congestion as frequently. If all works out as intended, the new guidelines will be beneficial to everyone involved.

If you have been thinking about earning your lorry licence, you will benefit from the new guidelines too. You will have less to worry about as a new driver thanks to deliveries being made at less congested times of the day. Anything that helps make your job easier as a new driver is a good thing.

Good News Keeps Coming

The HGV Training Centre welcomes the news of the quiet delivery guidelines from the DfT. It is just the latest in a string of developments that are combining to make the haulage and transport industries safer and more efficient. The quiet deliveries guidelines are something we have been hoping to see for some time now.

As one of the leading providers of lorry licence training in the UK, we understand how necessary it is to make sure the rights and needs of everyone involved are protected. We know that haulage companies need access to delivery points at all times of the day, yet we also know the local residents do not appreciate being disturbed. Balancing the needs of both requires consideration of road safety. It is certainly not an easy task.

We are committed to doing our part by providing high-quality driver training at more than 45 facilities. We offer training for nearly all classes of commercial vehicles, including HGVs, tipper trucks, heavy construction equipment, buses, coaches, and trailers.

For more information about earning your lorry licence, call us on our free telephone number. We will get you started with your training as soon as possible. In just a matter of weeks, you could be ready to start looking for work.




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