An Ashbourne-based recruiting firm has told the Derbyshire Telegraph it intends to hire as many as 65 commercial drivers after landing number of contracts worth some £1.65 million. According to the paper, Employ Recruitment UK already supplies drivers to big-name companies like DHL and Sainsbury’s.

There is no word on specifically what companies are in need of the drivers, but Employ Recruitment says one of the new contracts comes from a well-known high street retailer. Additional drivers are also needed among established clients as well. Employ Recruitment will be offering a number of open days where drivers can come in and apply for jobs.

Managing director Sadie Weston told the Derbyshire Telegraph that her company was “absolutely thrilled to secure these contracts and to be faced with such a wonderful challenge of filling them.” She went on to say that, the vacancies offer HGV and LGV drivers an opportunity to secure a long-term position with one of a number of established companies. Weston made it very clear these are not short-term, temporary jobs.

Hiring News Is Good News

A number of haulage and transport industry experts have been saying since the first of the year that the slowly rebounding UK economy would result in more open driver positions. The news of Employ Recruitment looking for 65 drivers seems to bolster their optimism. All across the UK, we are hearing about more companies looking for trained commercial drivers. As far as we are concerned, any hiring news is good news.

Anyone interested in applying for one of the 65 positions will have to be already licenced to be hired. If you do not have a licence, we provide HGV training in Derbyshire and throughout the UK. We will not be able to finish training you in time to apply for one of the open jobs, but there will be others available by the time you complete your training. Invest in your future by investing in HGV training right now.

You Can Train with Us

We hope that our reporting on this story has motivated you to seriously consider training as a commercial driver. If so, you can train with us. The HGV Training Centre is one of the leading providers of commercial driver training in the UK. We offer training for all classes of vehicles including lorries, vans, and tipper trucks.

Our training is designed to make sure you learn and retain only those things you will need to demonstrate during your final test. We make it a point to not clutter your mind with information you do not need to know. Our fast-paced and intense approach has helped countless numbers of drivers earn their professional licences. As proof, consider the fact that our students boast a first time pass rate of 92% for the theory test.

Whether you need HGV training in Derbyshire, London or any other part of the UK, the HGV Training Centre is here to help. Contact us right away so we can get you started.


Derbyshire Telegraph –


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