A frightening video that quickly went viral has police agencies all over Europe looking for a Ukrainian lorry driver. What was so frightening? The man in the video is seen driving the HGV with his feet while he sits in the passenger seat sipping tea and chatting with someone else in the cab. The video makes it clear that the driver is operating his vehicle on a heavily travelled motorway where he is among other lorries and passenger vehicles. Apparently, he is unaware that driving with one’s feet is dangerous. We assume it was also not part of his HGV test.

The Daily Mail reports that the video was originally posted in Russian and it included a caption explaining that the driver sometimes gets tired sitting behind the wheel. He claims to find his alternative driving method to be less like work and more enjoyable. He is even heard laughing at several points in the video.

A number of astute Internet users alerted police officials in their own countries upon seeing the video. Police have the YouTube username of the individual who originally uploaded it, though it is not clear if he is also the driver. They say he may be the same Ukrainian driver seen in another video driving recklessly with three friends.

As for where the video was shot, no one knows for sure. Some have said Mexico City while others have said parts of Canada or the US. The US is highly unlikely given the fact that there are no highway markings seen in the video. US motorways typically have small markers every 1/10 of a mile which would be viewable from the windscreen. Given the autumn foliage seen in the video, Mexico City is also unlikely.

In any event, the police are now searching for the Ukrainian man who operates the YouTube channel in question. They hope their questions are answered once he is found.

This Is No Joke

As wonderful as the Internet age can be, one of its downsides is clearly seen in this strange and disturbing story. We have become a narcissistic culture willing to go to great lengths to grab some laughs and a few minutes of attention. However, what is seen in this video is no joke. The driver of the HGV is clearly travelling at a high rate of speed in a large and heavy vehicle. Without immediate access to his brakes or accelerator, it would not have taken much for a serious accident to occur. Any such action likely would have resulted in someone’s death.

The HGV test we put our drivers through here in the UK is designed to make sure individuals can safely handle large commercial vehicles. Driving with one’s feet is not part of the test because it is just common sense. No driver should not need a safety course or a test to know how dangerous this feet driving stunt was. We hope this man is caught and prosecuted.


Daily Mail – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2803217/ukranian-lorry-driver-sought-police-video-shows-driving-hgv-passenger-seat-feet.html


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