As a commercial lorry driver, it doesn’t matter whether you took your HGV training in Cornwall or Nottingham; it doesn’t matter whether you work out of London or Sheffield. Your livelihood depends on a modern road system kept in good repair and with traffic flowing freely. Knowing that, London has just embarked on a new long-term strategy of investment in England’s key motorways.

According to the Freight Transport Association (FTA), future investments need to take into consideration more than just the local impact of motorways and A-roads like the A12. They believe it is essential for government agencies to take into account how vital the country’s main highways are to the UK economy. Freight transport remains the backbone of manufacturing, retail, and agriculture, just to name a few sectors. Planners need to consider the effect of future strategies as they relate to the whole system.

To that end, the FTA hopes to be invited to join government planners in developing new investment strategies. The first three projects planners will begin working on include the previously mentioned A12, between the A14 and A20; the A1 west of Newcastle; and the M62 between Manchester and Leeds.

All three projects are the focus of route-based strategies designed to make the motorways more conducive to all sorts of traffic. The government plans to have those strategies ready for review by spring of next year. Between now and then there is plenty of analysis and brainstorming to be done. Hopefully, it would all result in a system of motorways that is equally beneficial to freight and leisure traffic.

Benefits to HGV Drivers

We are hopeful the FTA is indeed invited to join the discussions in the months ahead. It is in the best interests of HGV drivers that any changes in the current road system do not negatively impact their livelihoods, at the very least. At most, changes should make it easier to move HGVs across the country using an integrated system of safe and efficient motorways.

At the HGV Training Centre, we pride ourselves on preparing drivers for all sorts of road and traffic conditions. Whether driving on a major motorway or a narrow country road, drivers must be able to successfully navigate their vehicles at all times. More often than not, this requires competence, concentration, and incredible precision. This will remain true even if changes to England’s road system make life for drivers somewhat easier.

In light of all of this, we want to encourage individuals looking to start or change careers to consider working as a commercial driver. The HGV Training Centre can prepare you to get behind the wheel of a lorry, bus, coach, tipper truck, forklift, horsebox, or cargo van. No matter what type of commercial vehicle you would prefer to drive, we have the training you need to pass your test – in as little as eight weeks in some cases. If you are ready for a change, feel free to get in touch with us today.


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