The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has been one of the most vocal advocates of the logistics industry for years. Now they are adding to their voice via a three-year sponsorship of the Think Logistics campaign. Their sponsorship will make them an active participant in recruiting and training the next generation of logistics workers, including LGV, HGV, and PCV drivers.

Think Logistics is an educational and advocacy programme designed, in part, to make the logistics industry understandable to young people as a career choice. It focuses on educating those between 16 and 18 years old to the extent that they understand both the volume and a variety of career opportunities in the field. The FTA will actively participate in the following areas:

Ian Nichol, Career Ready manager of National STEM Development, is obviously thrilled with the FTA sponsorship. He told HGV UK that the FTA’s participation would help attract highly motivated young people and prepare them for careers in logistics.

“This partnership will give Career Ready and the Think Logistics programme an incredible opportunity to engage FTA’s members to work with young people,” he said. “Experience tells us that hearing directly from people in the world of work not only raises a student’s awareness of the diverse career pathways available but also raises their aspirations for their own career.”

The FTA is the second major sponsor to come on board with Think Logistics this year. DAF Trucks signed on earlier in the year to help support the campaign’s primary sponsor, the Edge Foundation.

Education and Awareness to Recruit

The idea behind Think Logistics is to use education and awareness as recruiting tools to bring more young people into the logistics industry. A young person may have heard about taking the LGV test and passing, for example, without having any measurable idea of what a professional driving career would be like. Think Logistics might be able to influence that young person by answering questions and explaining the details of the job.

Think Logistics is an excellent campaign that could do wonderful things for the haulage industry in the years ahead. We hope others will get on board to help sponsor the campaign’s initiatives. At the HGV Training Centre, we will continue to do our utmost to provide the industry-leading training we have come to be known for.

We train drivers from all walks of life to prepare them for the HGV, PCV, or LGV test. However, we also do more. We help prepare them for the theory test as well as providing an up-to-date jobs database they can use to begin looking for work once training is complete and licence is in hand. Whether you need to take the LGV test or you are looking to learn how to drive a bus, we have the training you need.


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