In the months leading up to the implementation of the new UK road user tax, most of the discussion was focused on levelling the playing field between UK and foreign operators. Yet in the background, something else was brewing; something that got very little media attention. That something was the amount of money that would be added to the operational costs of domestic haulage companies.

Very few took the time to consider the immediate financial impact on operators with large fleets. Now that the impact is known, financial services provider LDF is offering a new funding scheme to help haulage companies deal with the new financial burdens. The funding package it provides allows operators to spread the total cost of road user taxes over a 12-month period rather than having to come up with the cash for a single payment at the beginning of the year.

According to sources, the average cost for a single HGV at the highest class can be as much as £1,850 annually. For the largest hauliers with extensive fleets, the fees could mean an annual bill of millions of pounds. However, even a company with a small fleet of just 10 vehicles would have to come up with £18,000 to pay road user taxes at the beginning of the year.

Most haulage companies prefer to pay the bill up front because it saves them money over the long run. Nevertheless, it also ties up cash that could be better spent on fleet driver training or developing new services for customers. With the LDF financing, haulage companies can do other things.

LDF officials told HGV UK that maintaining proper cash flow is critical in the haulage industry. Between fuel prices, vehicle maintenance, and road user taxes, the haulage industry is one that is very expensive upfront. By being able to spread out tax payments over a full year, haulers find the pressure on cash flow to be substantially lower.

Fleet Driver Training with Us

At the HGV Training Centre, we cannot do anything about the high cost of road user taxes. However, that does not mean we cannot help. We are doing our part by offering affordable fleet driver training to haulage companies of all sizes. We work with clients throughout the UK to provide first-class training for drivers of all sorts of commercial vehicles.

We can train your drivers to safely operate the largest HGVs, articulated lorries and tipper trucks, coaches, buses, vans, and more. We even offer forklift driver training for our clients with warehousing operations. Virtually any type of commercial driver training your company is in need of we can provide.

For your convenience, the HGV Training Centre operates more than 45 locations throughout Britain. We are doing our utmost to make sure first-class fleet driver training is easily accessible and affordable to everyone who needs it. Help your drivers be among the safest drivers by letting us handle your fleet driver training.




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