New regulations went into effect in 2011 requiring haulage operators to affix conspicuous, reflective tape in strategic locations on HGVs and trailers. The tape must be affixed to any HGV in excess of 7.5 tonnes and trailers heavier than 3.5 tonnes. Some of those operators are taking advantage of the requirement as a new avenue of advertising, making daily truck driving yet another marketing opportunity.

According to a report from the Handy Shipping Guide, a prominent manufacturer of the reflective tape is offering customers the opportunity to have their logos printed at regular intervals across the entire surface of a roll of tape. Wherever that tape is applied, the logo goes with it. The tape comes in various colours and is fully compliant with the regulations.

When the regulations were adopted in 2011, the idea was to make HGVs and trailers more visible from both the rear and side. To that end, the tape must meet certain requirements in terms of size and location in order to be in compliance. However, the law says nothing about printing logos on it, as long as the tape is reflective.

What makes this particular type of conspicuity tape so attractive is its relatively low cost. Companies have to buy it anyway, so why not spend a little bit more to have a logo and tagline added. It’s an effective way to increase advertising opportunities without spending a lot of money.

Safety Can Be Profitable

Haulage operators frequently complain, and rightfully so, that the numerous safety regulations the government has been acting for the better part of a decade constitute regulatory creep that serve only to make the industry more expensive to participate in. However, this is one case in which the cost of the regulation can be offset through the marketing opportunity presented.

The reflective tape makes truck driving safer for both the drivers and others on the road, by making large commercial vehicles easier to see at night. In turn, companies save money as a result of a smaller number of accidents and the resulting claims. Throw in the opportunity for higher sales through advertising, and this is one regulation that is not so bad.

About HGV Training Centre

At the HGV Training Centre, we provide truck-driving training for individual and company drivers. We can train you to operate lorries, tipper trucks, coaches, buses, horseboxes, and a number of other vehicles. Moreover, we can do so quickly and less expensively than you might imagine. As long as you already have your full car licence, we can get you started right away.

To begin your training as a professional driver, just call the free phone number we have listed on our website. We have new classes forming all the time at more than 45 facilities around the UK. In just a matter of weeks, you could be completely trained, fully licensed, and ready to look for full-time work as a commercial driver.


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