Caravanning is fast becoming the most popular way for British holidaymakers to enjoy their time away. The caravan industry is booming in terms of both manufacturing and sales, and caravan clubs are reporting record membership numbers. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that P&O Ferries has decided to get its piece of the caravanning pie by reducing prices at Hull. If you are planning to cross from Hull to the continent this year, make sure you take your caravan training course first.

Hull is already an important crossing point for caravans travelling between England and the European mainland. It is an especially attractive option for caravans moving to and from Rotterdam. P&O officials want to take advantage of the traffic to make Hull the most used crossing for both the north of England and the Midlands.

News reports say the new fare from Hull to Rotterdam will be £283 one-way, based on two people. That represents a £90 discount from the regular weekend price. P&O believes weekend crossings are essential to gaining the biggest advantage from the caravan market. Holidaymakers tend to travel to and from their destinations from Friday evening through until Sunday evening, making weekends the busiest time for caravans on the ferries.

Get Trained, Be Safer

We applaud P&O Ferries for extending a discount to caravan owners this summer season. We agree with industry representatives who say anything we can do to promote the caravanning lifestyle is helpful. If the plans for the Hull crossing succeed, we would expect to see an increase in caravan traffic heading to and from the North Sea port. The only downside we can envision is a potential rise in the number of crashes due to inexperienced drivers.

The HGV Training Centre urges all caravan owners to take a caravan training course even if a class B+E licence is not required to operate your vehicle. As we have explained on previous occasions, towing a caravan is very different from driving a single car alone. It is certainly more challenging due to the extra weight, extra length, and limited visibility around caravans.

Caravan owners can check the GOV.UK website for information about licencing. No special licence is needed as long as the combined weight of a caravan and its tow vehicle do not exceed a certain threshold. Caravan manufacturers are careful not to exceed this limit so as not to drive away business. Nonetheless, a training course is still a good idea.

Our caravan-training course involves several critical areas. First, we teach students how to perform a basic vehicle safety check prior to departure. Second, we train students in hazard avoidance and the proper way to tow a caravan in traffic. This includes breaking, accelerating, and cornering. Finally, we teach students how to hook and unhook their trailers and how to back them into parking spaces.

Again, we urge caravan owners to take a caravan training course before heading out on holidays. You will be safer for it.


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