Being an HGV driver is a well regulated profession, with lots of safeguards and documents to make sure you work the right number of hours, take enough breaks, and drive a vehicle that’s in top condition. And then there are the further documents you need for security checks, including your licence, as well as your passport if you’re travelling abroad, and any permits you might have.


In the past, that has meant carrying a lot of paperwork with you, to make sure everything you need is constantly available and you can keep records of things you need to document. But things are gradually changing, and the future of HGV driving could see drivers carrying zero extra admin with them – no cards, no pens, and no papers. That’s because there are an increasing number of processes an HGV has to go through which can be done via apps, and a growing amount of documentation which can be carried on your phone instead of on paper.


Just a couple of months ago, the DVLA announced that driving licences would soon be available on drivers’ phones as early as next year. Although they have been quick to stress that this won’t replace the traditional plastic driving licence, this could become the go-to version for most drivers within a very short time.  Drivers won’t need to have access to the internet all the time to have their digital driving licence available, and will be able to produce their phone instead of searching for their plastic licence any time they have to show it.

hgv digital licence



This will be particularly handy for professional drivers, who need access to their driving documentation more than most.  As reported last year, digital passports are also on their way and – just like passports – are being designed for security as well as convenience.

HGV licence


One process very specific to HGV drivers is the practise of keeping track of hours. This is incredibly important because – as we have reported before – tired drivers can cause serious accidentsThere are now lots of apps for HGV drivers that can track your hours on the road, including things like Trucker Timer, as well as apps like CheckedSafe which drivers can use to record their regular vehicle safety checks.


All of these digital documentation options are making the job of HGV drivers even easier, and are better for the environment than producing reams of paper. This is just one development in the future of HGVs, with the vehicles themselves about to get even more efficient and environmentally-friendly.


Just this month, Tesla announced that they would be producing an all-electric HGV to be unveiled in September. With the HGVs and documentation becoming even slicker than ever, and so many jobs available, the haulage industry is ready for a new generation of new drivers.  To take advantage of all these exciting and futuristic developments in HGV driving, start your LGV training with us for just £9.99 for the first month.


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