A group of caring and compassionate HGV drivers in Bristol have embarked on an impressive plan to raise money for charity. That plan involves each of the drivers losing a specified amount of weight before their August 31 deadline. They began the weight loss challenge early in April.

Over the course the next four months, the drivers hope friends, family members, and others from Bristol and the surrounding areas will pledge to sponsor them. The idea is to help the HGV drivers get healthier while also benefiting two charities. Those charities are Cancer Research UK and Care for Casualties.

Those who are familiar with the lifestyle of the HGV driver know just how appropriate this weight loss challenge is. Professional drivers often deal with weight issues because of the nature of their work. Whether drivers receive their HGV training in Bristol or elsewhere, once they earn their licence and hit the road, they have two things working against them.

The first is the sedentary nature of their work. Driving a lorry, coach, or other HGV means long hours sitting in a seat with little more exercise than occasionally turning the wheel. Not only does it result in a lack of exercise, but it can also mean a bit of boredom that inevitably causes some drivers to snack all day.

The second problem for HGV drivers comes by way of dietary choices. It’s worse for long-haul drivers than it is for local drivers who can return home every day. Nonetheless, the average HGV driver eats a lot of fast food and high-calorie snacks. The excessive calories make it easy to put on the pounds without even trying.

Staying Healthy Is Important

Staying healthy is important regardless of whether one drives a lorry for a living or works in an office. Good health is essential in maintaining a good attitude, the ability to concentrate, and high levels of productivity. When workers are healthy, they are able to perform their jobs to maximum efficiency.

For the HGV driver good health is that much more important. Poor health only makes unwise dietary choices and a lack of exercise worse. We hope the drivers in Bristol succeed in their weight loss goals, both for their own health and the benefit of the charities they will be helping.

The HGV Training Centre has training classes available in Bristol for anyone interested in earning an HGV licence. We are not a testing centre but we can help you learn everything you need to know to pass your theory test. In fact, we have a 97% first-time pass rate for the HGV theory test.  Once you pass, you’ll be ready to get behind the wheel for your practical skills training.

We can train you to drive lorries, buses, coaches, and minibuses, horsebox trailers, caravans, and forklift trucks. Please note that UK law does not currently require special licensing for forklifts, but many employers are now requiring job candidates to have some sort of formal training with certification.


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