Most of the time you see horses being transported in a horse lorry or horsebox trailer. However, what if you owned a miniature horse too small to properly secure in the back of a horsebox? If you had a smart car, you’d be all set.

Orange News recently profiled a German lady who has done just that. Her miniature horse is just the right size for the boot of her smart car, being that he is too small for a horsebox at just 60 cm in height. Moreover, according to owner Kim Scholz, Sammy likes the view from the smart car better.

Scholz says she has been pulled over by police numerous times for transporting her horse in her car. Nevertheless, they are usually fine with it after she shows the horse is properly secured inside. She says properly securing Sammy in a large horse lorry or trailer is not possible because of his size. Her smart car is the perfect transportation for him. As an added bonus, Sammy has become somewhat of a celebrity thanks to the media coverage.

Sammy is a unique breed of horse known as the Argentinian Falabella. The breed’s genetic make-up means horses of this type rarely grow larger than a dog. Argentinian Falabellas are largely show animals and pets.

Driving a Horse Lorry

It is wonderful that Ms Scholz is able to transport her horse in the back of her smart car. However, owners of larger animals do not have that luxury. Many employ horsebox trailers or horse lorries designed for much larger animals. And in some cases, these vehicles require enhanced licenses to operate legally.

Whether or not you need an enhanced licence depends on the weight of the vehicles involved. For complete information, you can contact the HGV Training Centre or visit the GOV UK website. If the combined weight of your vehicles does require an enhanced licence, we can provide the training you need. The HGV Training Centre specialises in driver training for all sorts of commercial vehicles, personal horseboxes, and caravans.

Why Licensing Is Necessary

Licensing for certain kinds of horseboxes and horse lorries is necessary for a couple of reasons. First and foremost is the safety of the driver and those he or she is sharing the road with. Licensing ensures safety by requiring operators to undergo a certain amount of training to prove they can drive safely and skilfully. The second reason is directly related to the animals themselves.

Transporting live cargo is vastly different from transporting inanimate objects. For example, horses can move around during the transport process. Drivers need to know how to operate their vehicles in a way that keeps the animals as safe as possible.

The HGV Training Centre can provide you with the horse lorry training you need for your large vehicle. We operate training facilities in more than 45 locations throughout the UK. To enrol in classes near you, just call the number listed on this website. We will get you started right away.


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