It appears the horsebox trailer will be soon be reappearing in Pool-in-Wharfdale, thanks to recently approved plans to reopen a horse riding school in the Leeds village of 1,700 residents. The Pool Parish Council recently approved the plans with some contingencies.

One of the main concerns of the project is highway safety in light of current road conditions and driving patterns. The site sits on a bend, with the entrance to the school nearly in the middle of that bend. HGV and horsebox trailers coming from the south would be forced to make a right turn into the property while dealing with oncoming traffic. Vehicles making right turns out of the property would also face significant difficulty.

Critics of the project say traffic on the highway has increased significantly in the 12 years since the school was closed. They are concerned that reopening the property will increase the likelihood of traffic accidents and cause congestion in the village. To address those concerns, the Parish Council directed the site could not be occupied until developers submit a traffic management scheme to be approved by the Council.

Highway Use Changing

Although the goings-on in Pool-in-Wharfdale are by no means earthshattering news that will make headlines around the world, they do perfectly illustrate an ongoing problem we are seeing all across the UK: roads that were never intended to handle such large volumes of traffic proving to be problematic on many levels.

This is one of the reasons why proper training is necessary before towing a horsebox trailer on the roads. Drivers need to be trained in not only the proper operation of their vehicles, but also how to stay safe while doing so. This includes things like monitoring speed and braking, such as will be necessary when entering the horse riding school in Leeds.

Without proper training too, much could go wrong. For example, braking too hard could cause the horsebox trailer to jack-knife and flip into oncoming traffic. Turning too quickly into the entrance might cause the trailer to tip. In an area where traffic is rather congested these things all need to be considered.

One of the proposals for the site is to bar HGVs and horsebox trailers from entering from Pool Bank New Road. As an alternative, they would be directed in through Station Road off A659 east of the village. The turn onto Station Road is an area that is both straight and flat, making conditions significantly safer.

Training for Horsebox Trailers

Regardless of where you live or drive, you need proper training before attempting to operate a vehicle with a horsebox trailer. At the HGV Training Centre, we provide training for both category B and C licenses, for everything from 3.5-ton trailers to 7.5-ton fixed horsebox units. We will teach you everything you need to know to pass both practical and theory tests, getting you on the road as quickly as possible. If you are interested in horsebox trailer training, contact us at your earliest convenience.


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