A recent and tragic accident in New Zealand has claimed the life of a well-known horse trainer whose numerous awards were made possible through more than 160 winning horses. Trainer Steve Anderson was seriously injured by the ramp on his horsebox while working in his yard in Wingatui in south-east New Zealand. He recently succumbed to his injuries at the age of 43. It is unclear whether he was working with a 3.5 tonne horsebox or something larger.

News reports say the ramp somehow failed as Anderson was working with the vehicle. Both of his lungs were punctured, severely inhibiting his breathing and causing further complications. Despite being found by friends and taken to a nearby hospital, Anderson died on February 3 (2015).

We must assume that Anderson was using both his horsebox and the ramp correctly. We do not report the story to suggest otherwise, only to illustrate how dangerous this sort of equipment can be. Even the slightest malfunction can cause a serious problem that could end in critical injuries or death. This is why it is so important to receive training in the proper use of horseboxes and horsebox trailers.

Not like Regular Cars

What must be understood about horseboxes is that they are not like regular cars. The larger horseboxes that function as a single vehicle are more like motor homes or small lorries. They require a different form of driving, one that is more defensive than anything else. A driver must be safe for him/herself, other drivers on the road, and the horses he/she is transporting.

Horsebox trailers also require a different kind of driving. A trailer adds significantly more weight to the tow vehicle, and it requires more distance to brake, slower acceleration, and more care when making turns. Again, the driver has to be worried about him/herself, his/her horses, and other drivers on the road.

We Train horsebox Drivers

At the HGV Training Centre, we do more than just train individuals to operate HGVs and LGVs professionally. We also offer training for both 7.5 tonne and 3.5 tonne horseboxes. Our training classes are conveniently located at nearly 4-dozen individual sites around the UK. Call us for the location nearest to you.

You may not need a horsebox licence if you are towing a 3.5 tonne horsebox that, in combination with your tow vehicle, does not exceed a certain weight. A special licence is also not usually necessary for those who are transporting horses for leisure or amateur competition purposes. Even if you do not need a special licence however, undergoing annual training is still a good idea.

Our horsebox training classes teach you everything you need to know about safely transporting horses in either a self-contained unit or a trailer. We urge you to receive training now, before the spring equestrian season opens. We will have you ready to operate your 7.5 or 3.5 tonne horsebox safely and efficiently, keeping you, your horses, and other drivers as safe as possible.


H & H Magazine – https://www.horseandhound.co.uk/news/racehorse-trainer-crushed-death-horsebox-ramp-473305


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