Like it or not, increased speed limits for HGVs is now the law of the land. The changes took effect on April 6 (2015), increasing the national speed limit for HGVs from 40 mph to 50 mph on single carriageway roads. Independent and company drivers alike are welcoming the change after anticipating it since last July.

Haulage industry experts say increasing the speed limit will reduce the number of accidents involving HGVs and passenger cars. By allowing trucks to follow the flow of traffic more closely, there should be fewer attempts to overtake by passenger cars. There should also be less frustration among car drivers being slowed by large commercial vehicles. If both benefits are realised, the speed limit increase will have achieved exactly what it is designed to do.

The idea of raising the HGVs speed limit was somewhat controversial when first proposed last year. However, organisations such as the Freight Transport Association and Road Haulage Association worked long and hard to convince the powers that be of the benefits of an increase. Thanks to a combination of their hard work, and independent and company drivers making their voices heard, a higher speed limit is now a reality.

Interestingly enough, the Grimsby Telegraph reports that the old speed limit had been in effect since the 1960s. Nevertheless, changes in technology over the last 50 years now make it possible for large, commercial vehicles to travel safely at higher speeds. Few people are anticipating a significant increase in accident rates as a result of the speed increase, at least in the long term. The danger in the short term comes from car and caravan operators having to temper their overtaking.

Good for Drivers, Good for Businesses

We welcome the higher speed limits along with our drivers and business partners. We agree with the official assessment that higher speeds for HGVs will result in less traffic congestion and fewer accidents. Our only caution goes out to the individual and company drivers themselves: a higher speed limit is not a licence to drive recklessly. Please maintain the proper speed limit at all times regardless of the type of road you are travelling on. What you do affects everyone on the road, not just you.

The HGV Training Centre is proud to offer comprehensive training to both individual and company drivers. We train new drivers to earn their commercial licences in just a matter of weeks. As for our corporate clients, we work with them to provide ongoing training according to their schedules. That training can include CPC instruction and remedial instruction to keep drivers up to date in their knowledge and skills.

We are a leading provider of driver training in the UK with more than 45 instructional facilities. Our classes are convenient, affordable and just what you need to be the best driver you can be. If you are looking to become one of the best individual or company drivers on the road, contact us to schedule your training.


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