The haulage and transport industries will benefit greatly from the MOT changes planned by the DVSA for 2016. From independent contractors to company drivers to operators, a more streamlined MOT system will mean less downtime for both trucks and buses, and potentially better inspections through better training of testers and the elimination of wait times.

In the past, the DVSA promised to make MOT inspections easier for lorries, buses, coaches, etc. In 2015, they began transitioning from all MOTs being conducted at government-owned facilities to a private sector format that has ceded control of MOT testing to designated service providers. According to HGV UK, as many as 90% of the HGV and PCV MOTs conducted in 2015 were done at private facilities. The DVSA hopes to raise that number to 95% by the end of March.

New Generation Testing Programme

Also slated for this year is the adoption of the DVSA’s New Generation Testing Programme designed to give greater flexibility to the MOT testing process. The programme includes a variety of new standards as well as a new platform for training testers. The government hopes to have the programme fully implemented by the end of this year.

Once New Generation is in place, MOT testers will be required to take three hours of additional training every year in order to continue working. Testing facilities are responsible for ensuring all of their testers are up to date. They will have to schedule training, make sure it is completed, and keep records.

Keeping the Wheels Rolling

At the HGV Training Centre, we believe it is important to give credit where credit is due. It’s easy to knock the DVSA, and any government agency for that matter, due to the bureaucracy and red tape that seems to prevent even the most basic of common-sense solutions from being implemented. But in this case, the DVSA has come through as promised.

Thanks to its overhaul of the MOT system, company drivers and operators do not have to schedule MOT tests only at government-owned and operated facilities during regular business hours. They can now go to more than 400 testing facilities throughout the UK – many of which offer MOT tests 24 hours a day. The convenience of the new system ensures that wheels keep rolling, miles continue accumulating, and logistics companies keep generating revenues.

We still have a long way to go to eliminate many of the barriers that are holding the logistics sector back. But this is a good first step. With the MOT question out of the way, perhaps the government can now turn its attention to helping companies in the haulage and transport sectors recruit more drivers. More drivers would certainly help a great deal.

The HGV Training Centre provides training for both individual and company drivers at more than four dozen facilities. Whether you want to earn your HGV licence or you need to get your mandatory CPC training, we offer all of the required classes.


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