If you are ever to find yourself in the unfortunate position of being remanded to the Stanford Hill jail on the Isle of Sheppey, you might find you have the opportunity to take driver-training courses that will enable you to get a job as a commercial driver upon your release. The programme, being offered in a partnership between the government and Mainstream Training, has sparked outrage among citizens outside the walls of Stanford Hill.

People are angry and frustrated because they don’t believe it’s right for convicts to receive free training and a virtually guaranteed job offer while law-abiding citizens struggle for work. What’s more, HGV and LGV training costs are not cheap. Many people would love to be retrained in order to find a job but simply cannot afford it. Meanwhile, convicts are getting the training for free. It is covered by charity grants, by the way.

In defence of the programme, the charity funding allows the government to provide retraining to inmates at no cost to taxpayers. The retraining increases the chances released inmates will be able to find work once they get out, ostensibly reducing recidivism rates proportionally. That is what the programme is all about.

It should also be noted that completing the training courses is no guarantee of a job. Inmates must still pass the driving test upon release before being given a commercial driving licence.

You Can Retrain Too

We cannot do anything to change the policy at Stanford Hill jail in Kent. However, that should not stop you from contacting the HGV Training Centre for your own retraining. We are the UK’s largest provider of HGV, LGV and PCV training with more than 45 locations to choose from. We offer low-cost driver training designed to get you licensed and working as quickly as possible.

If you are concerned that LGV training costs are more than you can afford, we have you covered there as well. Thanks to our partnership with home financing company Pay 4 Later, you can finance your training now, and then start paying it off once you are working. And believe us when we say you will not have trouble finding work.

All across the UK there is a shortage of HGV and LGV drivers. Companies are scrambling to fill positions thanks to an improving economy and greater demands on the haulage industry. And you can use our up-to-date jobs database to locate and apply for the jobs of your choosing.

All you need to get started is a full car licence and reasonably good health. When you contact the HGV Training centre, we will get you started right away. You will need to pass a routine health exam, take and pass a theory test, and then undergo practical skills training in the classroom and behind the wheel. We will even send one of our trainers with you to the testing site when your training is complete.

You can do this. We can help.


Express – http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/473306/Anger-at-free-driving-lessons-for-prisoners-in-Standford-Hill-jail


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