Whether company drivers or owner operators, commercial drivers who spend extended amounts of time on rural roads are at greater risk in the event of accidents or health emergencies. Now, a joint venture between Skyguard and Quattro Telematics has produced a new piece of technology that should reduce driver risk dramatically. The device, named MySOS by Skyguard, is a personal GPS device designed to include monitoring and alert capabilities.

MySOS is the world’s smallest personal GPS alert system to be introduced for individual driver safety. The device can be worn as a pendant, as a belt attachment, or affixed to a lanyard or key ring. In the event of any kind of emergency, the device allows the driver to immediately call for help. The built-in GPS enables first responders to locate the person in trouble as quickly as possible.

The MySOS system is very similar to medical alert systems that have been sold for decades. A medical alert system provides an immediate link between consumer and monitoring centre by way of a home alarm system. With the touch of a button, a customer can call for help in the event of a medical emergency. Where MySOS differs is in its GPS capabilities.

A medical alert system offered by an alarm company ties the alert device to the physical address at which it is registered. However, MySOS is equally effective regardless of where a driver is. By including GPS technology, a driver in trouble can call for help from nearly anywhere.

Current Skyguard customers are expected to get the first look at MySOS for use with their drivers. Nonetheless, it should not take long before the service is expanded. What’s more, we fully expect competitors to come up with their own products in the near future. Personal GPS is the next step in individual security, for both professional and non-professional drivers.

Keeping Your Drivers Safe

As a business owner or manager, you know the importance of keeping your drivers safe. You do everything you possibly can for them, including making sure they have proper training to operate their vehicles. Here at the HGV Training Centre, we want to be your training partner.

We provide remedial training for company drivers as dictated by our commercial customers. Training can be scheduled as frequently as you desire, covering those specific topics you are concerned about. Of course, we offer CPC driver training for current drivers in need of certification prior to September. We will continue offering the training to meet future certificate renewal obligations.

The HGV Training Centre also works with individual drivers looking to earn their first commercial licence. We provide preparation for the required theory test, practical skills training in the classroom and behind the wheel, and a trainer to accompany each student to the practical skills test. Our fast-paced and concentrated approach prepares our students to be safe and productive commercial drivers. Please contact us for more information about classes in your area.


Fleet News – https://www.fleetnews.co.uk/news/2014/8/13/skyguard-joins-forces-with-safety-supplier-to-offer-driver-id-tag/53239/


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