When traffic begins backing up at the port of Dover, it is not uncommon to see HGVs queuing up along the M20. It is also not uncommon to see lorries parked along residential roads at all hours of the night and day, disrupting the lives of locals. Now though Kent seems to be taking the problem seriously. It is looking at adding new lorry parks to ease HGV congestion and provide relief to local residents.

Kent County Council has named three specific sites as possible candidates for the first park. All three sites provide enough space for an adequate lorry park that would certainly be helpful if drivers could be encouraged to use them. That being said, the site at Westenhanger has come under fire by local officials who say it will do nothing to ease congestion on the worst roads in Kent. They believe there are better locations to choose from.

Input from HGV drivers is something the council should consider before choosing its sites. In other towns, where drivers were not consulted, parks were developed in areas that were not suitable to them. The result is a number of parks that remain vacant because drivers will not use them.

The Kent County Council will continue working on plans for new lorry parks that should get trucks off local roads. Whether or not the council builds in Westenhanger remains to be seen. However, something needs to be done, and done fast.

Sharing the Road … and Parking Spaces

The issue in Kent is not unusual. Unfortunately, many a UK road was built long before so many lorries were transporting cargo the length and breadth of the country. These were never designed to handle the traffic seen today. For many communities, it is a balancing act requiring everyone to share the roads and a limited number of parking spaces. Lorry parks can ease some of the problems, but these will never solve all of them without major road reconstruction.

As a leading provider of HGV training in the UK, we believe there are solutions out there if all stakeholders work together. As for drivers, we encourage them to be conscientious of local residents when travelling through the Kent area. Please be mindful of the fact that you are moving through residential areas; be respectful of those who live there.

As for the local council, it is important for them to take a serious look and consider all points of view before making a decision. No, it is not possible to please everyone 100 per cent. Nevertheless, taking into account everyone’s needs and desires is the only way to find a solution that benefits everyone equally.

At the HGV Training Centre, we offer professional driver training in Kent and all across Great Britain. We operate more than 45 facilities staffed by trained individuals who have the skills and knowledge to prepare you for your theory and practical skills test. We pride ourselves in helping our drivers pass the first time. That is what we want to do for you.


  1. BBC – http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-29168512


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