The UK’s Department for Transport recently conducted a survey that showed more than 40% of LGV drivers are not using the proper overnight parking spaces for night-time rest periods. The department claims the number of existing spaces is adequate for industry needs. LGV drivers respectfully disagree.

In light of the government remarks, several haulage industry companies spoke out in defence of their drivers. At issue is the fact that the government insists drivers are choosing not to use the parking areas designated for them, instead choosing industrial estates and lay-bys. Industry representatives say drivers are being forced to do so by their circumstances.

The Freight Transport Association’s Don Armour spoke out on behalf of drivers, saying that while there may be adequate space in terms of sheer numbers, those spaces are neither in the right places, nor are they secure. Furthermore, the haulage industry alleges the provisions at service stations are not appropriate and parking areas have little or no security features.

Another industry leader disputed the government’s findings, using Heathrow Airport is an example. He claimed Heathrow has no area for overnight parking, forcing LGVs to park in nearby estates. The official alleged this was both unsafe and bad for the haulage industry’s reputation.

One suggestion being put forth is to attract more LGV drivers to service stations by improving food and amenities. Many drivers complain about dire service station conditions that are not worth the prices being charged. Drivers contend that making service stations more attractive might ease some of the parking problems. That said, more parking areas still need to be created at places like Heathrow.

The most unfortunate aspect to this dispute comes by way of the reputation of LGV drivers. That reputation is already suffering thanks to the many preconceived notions that commercial drivers are careless, do not obey the law, and are not concerned with property owners or others on the road. That reputation is only made worse when people see LGVs parked in areas where they shouldn’t be.

We work with the industry’s best drivers here at the HGV Training Centre. We know the vast majority of them go out of their way to both obey the law and show others the proper respect. It is unfortunate that the actions of a few destroy the reputation of the many. It is also unfortunate that drivers must do battle with government officials to get problems solved.

Despite the parking difficulties, the haulage industry continues to play a critical role in keeping the UK economy moving. We are proud to be able to provide LGV training to those men and women that make it work. The HGV Training Centre works with both individual drivers and fleet managers to provide an entire regimen of training programs for vehicles of all shapes and sizes.

We welcome the opportunity to help you prepare for a brand-new career as an LGV driver. The sooner you get in touch with us, the sooner we can get started.


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