We trust you are visiting our website because you are either a licenced large goods vehicle (LGV) driver or someone looking to obtain an LGV licence. You have likely heard a lot about professional driving and its many benefits. Now you are down to a single question: are LGV training costs a worthwhile investment? The answer to that question depends on your definition of worthwhile.

There is no black and white formula that we can use to tell you whether or not you should invest in obtaining an LGV licence. But we can offer you a comparable measurement that should set the stage for further thought. We will do so by comparing LGV training costs with a typical undergraduate course of study at a UK University.

LGV Training Requirements

The HGV Training Centre is fairly representative of the vast majority of training companies helping drivers obtain commercial licences. As such, we can tell you that LGV training costs throughout the UK carry an average price of between £2,500 and £3,500. Some programmes might be slightly more; others might be slightly less. The most important thing is understanding what you get for that money.

The money you pay your training company goes to cover the costs of all your classes, your training materials and resources, the various exams you must take, and the help and support of your instructors. A student who learns quickly and retains information well should be able to finish an LGV training programme in under six weeks. Slower students can take longer, but extending it beyond 10 to 12 weeks is virtually unheard of. Once training is complete, a licenced driver is ready to start looking for work.

Undergraduate Studies

How much a student pays for an undergraduate programme at a UK University can vary considerably depending on the student’s primary place of residence, the chosen school, and the desired programme. However, the average cost of one year of undergraduate study is between £6,000 and £9,000 for students in England. Students in Wales pay no more than £3,900 per year. But keep in mind that is tuition only, for a single year.

The average cost of living for a student in the UK is roughly £12,000. So unless the student wants to remain at home and attend a local university, the costs of a single year of study can add up rather quickly.

Financing Your Studies

One advantage of university study is that it is easily financed through a combination of government loans and grants. The downside is that student have tens of thousands of pounds in debt to repay in the future. Where LGV training costs are concerned, financing is possible when you train with the HGV Training Centre. We work with Pay 4 Later to offer affordable financing on every class we teach.

Only you can decide whether LGV training costs are a worthwhile investment. When compared to university costs, professional driving has a lot going for it.


  1. Top Universities – http://www.topuniversities.com/student-info/student-finance/how-much-does-it-cost-study-uk


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