If you ever have the pleasure of driving in China, be very careful about where you park. It turns out there is at least one resident in Qingdao, Shangdong Province, not afraid to use his telescopic forklift training to clear the entrance of his garage. You can see for yourself by checking out a recent report published by the Daily Mail.

The report includes photos of the enterprising man removing cars from the front of his garage by lifting them to the roof using a forklift truck. Apparently, someone recorded his actions and posted two pictures on social media in China, to very positive reviews we might add. Quite a few comments commended the man for a job well done.

News reports say that the owners of both vehicles had to hire forklifts to get the cars down. The man who put them there would not cooperate, and both police and the owner of the garage refused to get involved. They told the owners that it was a private matter between them and the leaseholder of the garage.

Necessity the Mother of Creativity

There is an adage that says ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. In this case, necessity turned out to be the mother of creativity. Although we do not condone what the Chinese man did with his forklift, it is our understanding that parking in China is an absolute nightmare. There is so much traffic – and so little space – that people think nothing of leaving their cars wherever they want to without regard to how their parking decisions affect other people.

The severity of parking problems in China’s cities is evidenced by the number of people who responded positively to the photographs. Some people commented that the drivers of the two cars got what they deserved, others said they should have been fined in addition to having to pay to have the cars brought down. It just goes to show how different our two cultures are. If someone had done that here, you can bet local courts would have been looking for a prosecution.

Using Forklifts Properly

The amusing event in China notwithstanding, the incident does demonstrate what kinds of things can be done with a forklift. It is also a reminder that forklifts are potentially dangerous tools that need to be used correctly. That is why our laws require at least a minimal amount of telescopic forklift training for anyone who will be using a forklift professionally.

UK regulations do not require any sort of formal licencing for forklift drivers. In fact, there is no such thing as a forklift licence. But employers are required to make sure all operators receive some form of documented training – whether in-house or through a company like ours.

The HGV Training Centre offers telescopic forklift training at each of our more than four dozen facilities throughout the UK. We can train individual drivers or your entire team, whatever is best for you. Contact us for more information.


  1. Daily Mail – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-3463699/Parking-penalty-China-style-Garage-owner-fed-cars-blocking-entrance-uses-forklift-truck-ROOF.html


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