The long Easter weekend was a deadly one on UK roads, prompting officials in several regions to urge caution as traffic begins picking up for the spring and summer seasons. The Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service is especially concerned after a spate of crashes resulted in the deaths of three motorcyclists.

One of those crashes involved a motorcycle and a vehicle towing a trailer. When rescuers arrived on the scene, they found one of the victims pinned beneath the trailer. Fortunately, that individual is now listed as in stable condition at a local hospital. The other two other crashes involved motorcycles, cars and a lorry.

Local traffic collision reduction officer Terry MacDonald told the BBC that the sunny weather over the Easter weekend contributed to a larger volume of traffic on the road. He further explained the need to be extra cautious during periods of high volume. He expects things to only get worse on major routes in Wales as we progress further into the year.

For holiday travellers there is a special encouragement to be cautious when towing trailers. Operating vehicles with trailers is always challenging but, during high traffic volumes, it is even more so. Owners should be cautious about braking, following too closely behind, cornering and paying attention to motorcyclists. Towing courses can be very helpful for improving driver safety during the annual holiday season.

We Offer Towing Courses

The HGV Training Centre offers towing courses to drivers of all types of trailers and caravans. You can call us on the free phone number listed on this website to find out more information about classes in your area. We have facilities at more than 45 locations around the UK, so there should be one conveniently located near you.

If you have questions about whether or not you need an enhanced license, please do not hesitate to contact us or visit the GOV UK website. If the total combined weight of your trailer and tow vehicle reaches a certain threshold, you will need a B+E entitlement on your licence. There are different requirements depending on when your original car licence was earned.

Drivers of all types should consider annual towing courses whether or not they need the additional entitlement. Taking a course every year is a great way to brush up on your skills and remind you of things you may have forgotten during the off-season. What’s more, courses are cheap enough that most trailer and caravan owners can afford them once a year.

Should you need a B+E entitlement for your licence, we can train you in preparation for your practical skills test. We will teach you how to perform a vehicle inspection, brake and corner properly, hook and unhook your trailer, and manoeuvre your vehicle in tight spaces. All of these skills will be part of your test. Rest assured that we would have you fully prepared for that test, even going so far as to send one of our trainers with you to the testing facility.


  1. BBC –


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