Here at the HGV Training Centre, we are very proud of the drivers we put through PCV driver training on the way to getting their commercial driving licences and becoming part of the legion of hard-working, faithful drivers transporting passengers on public bus systems. Occasionally we hear stories of veteran bus drivers who go above and beyond their driver training in ways that most us never expected. One such case is that of a London driver who recently saved a young man’s life.

As reported by the London Evening Standard and other media outlets, bus driver James Rossi had stopped on the high street in Hampstead to pick up and drop off passengers on his way to Golders Green. A 16-year-old with puffy eyes and a swollen face boarded the bus along with the other passengers; Rossi thought nothing of the young man’s appearance. Rossi was then instructed by his dispatcher to hold for 5 minutes before departing.

Just after speaking with his dispatcher, the young man approached Rossi and told him he needed to get home as quickly as possible because he was having an allergic reaction to an energy bar he had just eaten. The young man, who is allergic to nuts, needed to get his EpiPen and inject himself in order to prevent anaphylactic shock. Rossi instantly knew what to do.

He used his loudspeaker to inform passengers he would not be stopping to pick up anyone else and that the bus would be going directly to the boy’s home in Golders Green. Only one passenger disembarked; the rest remained quiet for the entire five- or six-minute journey. Rossi’s actions got the boy home in time and quite likely saved his life.

More Than Just Professionalism

Mr Rossi has obviously received accolades for his actions in helping to get the young man home quickly. But this is not the first time he has gone above and beyond the call of duty. Rossi previously offloaded passengers during an incident in which one of his riders became suicidal. He then took that passenger directly to the Royal Free Hospital.

It is evident to us that Rossi understands the meaning of professionalism. Not only does he provide more than satisfactory service to the passengers he ferries day in and day out, but he knows how to recognise an emergency situation and is willing to do whatever it takes to address the issue. How great it would be if every bus driver in the UK were as professional as Mr Rossi.

There are times when doing what is right goes above and beyond PCV driver training. Being a successful and professional bus driver is about being safe and following the law, but it is also about recognising how one can best serve others by going that extra mile.

The HGV Training Centre offers PCV driver training at more than four dozen facilities across the UK. If you have ever thought of becoming a bus driver, we encourage you to give us a call.


  1. London Evening Standard –


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