Summer will be here before you know it, and with it, the family caravan trip. Annual holidays are a great time to relax with your family, make lasting memories, and recharge your batteries before school and work resume in the autumn. But remember, driver safety is something that cannot be neglected if you want to enjoy an accident-free trip.

If you plan to caravan this summer, we recommend you take a caravan-towing course – even if you are an experienced driver. Drivers towing caravans for the first time need the information and experience a towing course affords. At the same time, it never hurts veterans to brush up on their skills.

Why Training Is Important

There are two characteristics involved in towing a caravan that make it uniquely different from standard driving. First is the weight. A caravan adds significant weight to your total driving package, especially when it’s filled with your gear. If you know anything about physics, you know that when you add weight to velocity the total potential force can be incredible.

The second characteristic drivers need to be mindful of is size. Caravans are wider and longer than cars, making them very difficult to corner, change lanes, and drive in reverse.

The combination of the extra size and weight dictates drivers do a few things differently. When towing a caravan you should:

Taking a Training Course

Most leisure caravanners in the UK will not need to get a special license or endorsement to tow. Nonetheless, a training course is still a good idea. A typical course lasts about 10 hours or so with a voluntary test at the conclusion. Students spend time on both theory and practical driving skills.

When you take a course, you’ll learn things like:

Courses are offered by professional training facilities like the HGV Training Centre. At times, you can also find courses being provided by caravan clubs, local community groups, and even insurance companies. The cost for a caravan-towing course will depend on who is offering it. By and large, however, they are fairly inexpensive.

In the case of caravan veterans able to retain most of their knowledge from year-to-year, a simple manoeuvring course may be sufficient. These courses dispense with the theory and get right to the manoeuvring portion, allowing veteran drivers to brush up on their skills without having to go over theory principles again.

We wish you well on your trip this summer regardless of where you decide to go. Just remember to always be safe behind the wheel.


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