Whether one possesses a car, truck, or van driving licence, there is one thing we are all supposed to know: operating a vehicle while using a mobile phone is against the law. Drivers in Norfolk will soon be reminded of the fact thanks to a set of new road signs to be deployed in the coming days.

The road signs have built-in technology capable of detecting mobile phone signals emanating from passing vehicles. If a sign detects a mobile phone in use, it will flash a warning to remind drivers that what they are doing is not wise. Its only flaw – and one with no solution right now – is that the technology does not discern between drivers and passengers. However, as Fleet News UK points out, passengers are free to ignore the warnings.

For the time being, the signs will serve as nothing more than a warning device similar to road signs that monitor and warn drivers about excessive speed. Nevertheless, there may come a day when the signs are fitted with additional technology that could record plate numbers and report data to the police. In the meantime, government officials and the company behind the signs hope that these are successful as a powerful reminder to not drive while using a mobile phone.

Statistics released last year showed that one in four road crashes are directly related to mobile phone use. Among young people, the number is even higher. That means it is vitally important for both commercial and non-commercial drivers to obey the law where distracted driving is concerned. There is no valid reason for drivers texting or talking on a phone while their vehicle is in motion.

Why It’s Dangerous

The HGV Training Centre includes discussions about mobile phone use in all of our PCV, HGV, and van driving licence classes. Why is it dangerous to use the phone while driving? Because it only takes a split second of distraction to cause a major accident. Just taking your eyes off the road or breaking your concentration for a moment can result in an out-of-control vehicle that injures or kills someone.

Commercial drivers have an added responsibility due to the size and weight of their vehicles. Coaches, buses, and lorries are obviously bigger and heavier than passenger vehicles, but even delivery vans are more dangerous as well. Commercial drivers should always make a point of doing everything within their power to eliminate even the possibility of distracted driving.

Assuming you are someone interested in becoming a safe and responsible commercial driver, the HGV Training Centre can help. We offer comprehensive training for every class of commercial licence, including our van driving licence programme. Our classes are conveniently located at more than 45 facilities throughout the UK and, what’s more, training with us is affordable. We even offer a financing option through a partner company. If you are looking for a great job with lots to offer, consider becoming a professional driver.


  1. Fleet News UK – https://www.fleetnews.co.uk/news/2015/2/17/mobile-phone-detection-signs-to-roll-out-in-norfolk/54845/
  2. Daily Mail – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2591148/One-four-car-accidents-caused-cell-phone-use-driving-five-cent-blamed-texting.html


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