We are big fans of people taking a caravan towing course, even if, as an owner, an individual did not need a Category B+E or C1 licence to tow. Towing courses teach drivers how to operate safely on public roads along with the correct procedures for reversing trailers, manoeuvring into parking spaces, and hooking and unhooking properly. A towing course can even save money on insurance by preventing accidents.

Now you can take the money-saving aspect one step further by equipping your tow vehicle with a tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS). These systems are designed to help prevent tyre blowouts due to improper pressure. Even among experienced drivers, a blowout can cause a devastating loss of control.

Specialist insurance carrier Caravan Guard wants to encourage caravan owners to either add TPMS or consider buying a vehicle equipped with it in the future. In light of that, they are offering a discount to customers who do just that. Using a tow vehicle with on-board TPMS can get a 5% discount.

Tyre Blowouts and Accidents

Caravan Guard PR and communications officer Liz Harrison says that her company introduced the discount as a way to encourage safe towing among their customers. The company believes it will spend less money on the discount than they currently spend paying for damage caused by tyre-related accidents.

Data shows that more than 90% of the tyre-related insurance claims annually are the direct result of blowouts. Furthermore, tyre blowouts are almost always caused by under or over inflation. The simple act of making sure your tyres are properly inflated can all but eliminate the most serious risks of a blowout. The TPMS helps in this regard by warning drivers when tyre pressure isn’t right.

The law does not currently require caravan owners to use TPMS on their rigs. But that may change in the near future. Those in the know expect the EU to address its 2015 legislation with future modifications that would require caravans to use the technology.

It’s All about Safety

In the end, it is all about safety. Whether a caravan owner utilises TPMS to save money on insurance or not, monitoring tyre pressure to prevent accidents is a wise strategy that makes the roads safer for everyone. Likewise, the same can be said of the caravan towing course.

Towing a caravan is not as easy as it may look to the inexperienced driver. Caravans make driving more difficult because they reduce handling, add weight and size, require more room to stop and turn, and are subject to weather influences that have a minimal effect on cars.

As a caravan owner, you may or may not need an additional entitlement on your licence, depending on the combined weight of your caravan and tow vehicle. Regardless, it is still a good idea to take a caravan towing course for your own safety. We offer courses throughout the UK at more than four dozen locations. Contact us for information about class schedules and prices.


Tyre Press – http://www.tyrepress.com/2016/04/tyrepal-targets-caravan-owners-with-tpms-insurance-discount-incentive/


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