HGV training in the north-west Highlands could look a little different in the future if one government official has his way. In fact, HGV driving of all sorts will be affected should MSP David Stewart’s vision become reality. He is pressing the Government to raise the HGV speed limit on all single carriageways should the A9 trial now under way prove successful. Stewart has every reason to believe it will.

In the recent parliamentary exchange, Stewart took his fellow lawmakers to task by asking:

“Is it Scottish Government policy to increase the speed limit for HGVs on single carriageways across Scotland to 50 mph if the evidence from the A9 pilot and average speed cameras supports that?”

Transport Minister and MSP Derek Mackay responded by saying that his department would be flexible and open to the possibility of making the changes if the results of the current trial warrant it. However, his remarks left open the possibility that any increase would be implemented in a case-by-case basis. He did not indicate support for an across-the-board increase on all single carriageways in Scotland.

According to Stewart, he believes the A9 trial has shown very good results thus far. He also made note that the Road Haulage Association (RHA) and its members are in full support of an across-the-board speed increase. RHA members say they have already experienced significant improvement on the A9 with more free-flowing traffic and fewer dangerous overtaking manoeuvres.

The A9 trial was implemented last year after the Government agreed to allow the speed limit increase in conjunction with the installation of speed cameras along a significant stretch of the road. Since its implementation, lorries have been able to travel at 50 mph. The Government said last year that a successful trial could result in the change being made permanent at the conclusion of the trial. Stewart certainly wants to see that happen, in addition to an across-the-board change. We will see what happens later this year.

Safe Speeds, Safe Driving

As a leading provider of commercial driver training in the UK, the HGV Training Centre knows how important it is for HGV drivers to operate their vehicle safely. Nevertheless, we also know that safe speeds are a big part of the equation. When commercial vehicles have to travel substantially slower than passenger cars, the differences in speed can quickly cause frustration among car driver that may lead to dangerous actions. This was the very position put forth by the road haulage industry last year. Allowing HGVs to go faster alleviates road congestion on single carriageways and reduces the likelihood of risky manoeuvres by car drivers trying to get around slower HGVs.

If you are interested in learning to drive a lorry professionally, we offer HGV training in Glasgow and in the north-west Highlands as well as more than 45 other convenient locations around the UK. We can prepare you to earn your HGV licence in a matter of weeks. Contact us to get started.


  1. Strathspey & Badenoch Herald – http://www.strathspey-herald.co.uk


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