Local authorities in Shepway have made it very clear that they are not happy with lorry drivers who have a habit of pulling over to the side of the road indiscriminately at night. They recently passed new parking restrictions that prevent overnight parking on 19 local roads from 8pm to 7am during the week and at all hours at weekends. After allowing a two-week grace period at the start of November (2015), enforcement efforts have now started in earnest.

Local reports say authorities issued 39 tickets for a total of more than £3,000 in fines just in the first week of enforcement. They say they will continue strict enforcement efforts until HGV drivers get the message: a lorry licence is not a licence to park illegally on Shepway roads.

The new parking restrictions and enforcement are a direct result of complaints from local residents. Those who live on the 19 roads in question say they have had enough of the noise, litter, property damage, and waste left behind by inconsiderate lorry drivers. It is not known how many of the drivers causing the majority of the problems are UK born and bred and how many are foreigners.

Strict enforcement will be ongoing for the time being in Shepway. Drivers can expect to be ticketed until such time as local authorities believe most of the problems have been alleviated. If the ticketing does not solve the problem, authorities could begin clamping in the future. As for those who do not pay their fines, the local council is planning to utilise a recovery firm to trace and collect unpaid tickets.

A Problem with Many Causes

We can certainly sympathise with the local residents of Shepway forced to deal with unruly lorry drivers. But we also want to remind our readers that the vast majority of professional drivers are not causing these kinds of problems. It is generally a minority who either do not understand the law or see their lorry licence as a licence to do what they please.

It is also important to point out that the parking problem in Shepway is not unique. It is a problem occurring all over the UK, and one with many causes. Drivers are subject to strict driving hours regulations, there are not enough lorry parks in strategic places, and the cost of using some lorry parks is prohibitive to drivers who are barely making enough money to get by. Parking restrictions and enforcement efforts may be good short-term solution in local areas, but they do nothing to solve the larger problems of lorry parking.

While the powers that be attempt to work it out, we remind lorry drivers across the country to pay close attention to parking restrictions. We also ask that you be mindful of local residents wherever you decide to park for the night. Do your best to present a positive image of the haulage and transport industries by being on your best behaviour at all times.


  1. Kent Online – https://www.kentonline.co.uk/folkestone/news/hgv-drivers-fined-3000-in-46894/


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