It’s not uncommon to hear stories about bus driver training involving realistic accident scenarios. But recently, the pupils enrolled in a Sleaford school got their chance to practice evacuation procedures. The Saint George’s Academy students were surprised by many of the things they learned.

According to This Is Lincolnshire, the pupils were originally put aboard the bus and told to pretend it had been in an accident. They were instructed to evacuate the bus in whatever way they deemed appropriate. After all the students exited, they were taken back onto the bus and instructed in the way to evacuate properly.

Apparently, many of the pupils were not aware of how much they didn’t know. They were also surprised about how quickly the evacuation went the second time around. Once they knew how to do things properly, it was faster and less chaotic. Therein lies the key to successful evacuations in the event of a bus crash.

These types of exercises are a normal part of teaching students about safety. They are an important part as well. In the moments directly following an accident, it is too easy for students to panic and, without thinking about it, create undue confusion while trying to evacuate. However, if students know the quickest and most effective way to get off the bus, they are more likely to do so without panicking.

During bus driver training, adult drivers are also instructed in proper evacuation procedures. This enables them to direct students after a crash, provided they are not left unconscious or disabled. Evacuation procedures are something the HGV Training Centre takes all of our students through.

Training, Training, and More Training

The point of all of this training is to constantly rehearse so that appropriate actions become second nature. History has proven that such training is an effective way to increase survival rates among accident victims. By the way, that’s also the purpose behind the rigorous bus driver training companies like the HGV Training Centre put students through.

It is our goal to not only equip student drivers with the knowledge they need to pass their tests, but to also make sure that knowledge is second nature. We want them to be able to perform a bus safety inspection without missing a single item. We want them to be aware of highway safety whenever they are behind the wheel. We want them to be safe as a normal part of bus operations.

The HGV Training Centre provides bus driver training at more than 45 locations throughout the UK. We also provide training for other types of PCVs, HGVs, horseboxes and horsebox trailers, forklifts, and more. We even offer training to private individuals looking to tow a caravan on holiday.

We are one of the UK’s leading training companies offering classes to individual drivers and companies managing entire fleets. You get the same quality training regardless of which category you fall under. Better yet, we supply the necessary support every step of the way.


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