Every summer, drivers take to the roads en masse for holiday travel. Being a leading provider of HGV training in Tyne & Wear, we have first-hand knowledge of just how busy some roads can get. All along England’s north-east coast, summertime traffic peaks around the end of July and into early August as holidaymakers flock to the coast to enjoy the sun and sand. Therefore, it is no surprise to learn that new research indicates summer is the most dangerous time to drive.

One of the UK’s leading manufacturers of dash cams, SmartWitness, recently released market research they conducted regarding seasonal driving. Not only did they discover that summer is the most dangerous time to drive, but they were also able to predict that the most likely day and time to have an accident this year is July 25 at 11am. That statistic aside, accident rates in July and August are the highest of the year.

According to SmartWitness, the average July sees about 2,300 fatal and serious injury accidents; August sees about 2,150. Compare that to the numbers in January and February, which are 1,578 and 1,544 respectively. Despite winter driving being complicated by weather conditions and shorter days, January and February usually see about 26,100 total accidents while July and August see more than 33,300 – an increase of more than 27%.

The statistics make it clear that drivers are more likely to be involved in an accident during the summer months. Furthermore, such accidents are more likely to result in serious injuries or death. It all comes down to a numbers game. When you put more people on the road and who are logging more miles in a relatively compact period, the inevitable result will be more accidents.

What It Means to You

So, what does all this mean to you as a professional? It means you have to be extra diligent during the summer. There are many things to consider apart from the mere fact that a large number of holidaymakers are driving on the same roads you are. Here are just two examples:

Summer is easier on professional drivers insofar as the weather is concerned. However, there is increased danger directly related to traffic volume. As providers of HGV training in Tyne & Wear, we can testify that holiday traffic can be rather voluminous. So take your time, pay attention, and be safe.

The HGV Training Centre provides professional HGV and PCV driver training throughout the UK. Contact us for more information.


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