Long-haul HGV drivers have one of the toughest jobs in the logistics industry. They spend a lot of time away from home, missing their spouses and children while working hard to make ends meet. Any tips they can glean to make the time away from home easier tend to be welcome. We have a few to offer.

Now that summer is nearly upon us HGV drivers have less to be concerned about by way of bad weather, darkness, and weather-related traffic congestion. That means they can look at different opportunities to keep in touch with home even as they travel across the country and/or continent. Here are a few suggestions we have put together:

Journal Your Travels with Pictures

The internet age has been a tremendous boon for HGV drivers. For example, drivers now have the ability to communicate instantly with their families by way of mobile phones, tablets, and laptop computers. So why not use this ability to your advantage by journaling your travels with pictures? We know of several drivers who stop and take pictures at the end of every day or mealtimes. Then they send those pictures home via the internet, along with descriptions of where they’ve been. This keeps the kids in the loop while giving the parents plenty to talk about.

Collect Special Things Along the Way

Summer offers the opportunity to collect some great things for your family while you are on the road. For example, let’s say one of your children really loves stickers. It’s easy to find new stickers to add to a collection at almost every rest stop you visit. Local tourism agencies are another good source for both stickers and local literature. You can also collect rocks, seashells, or just about anything.

Have the Family Make Videos

Keeping in touch with family during the summer months is a two-way task. So ask the family to make videos that show you the kinds what they are doing every day. If your sons are playing football, ask them to make a video. Is your daughter learning to ride a bicycle? Ask your spouse to make a video of that as well. You can share those videos online and create long-lasting memories at the same time.

Challenge One Another to Healthy Living

Partners and spouses can take advantage of the summer season to challenge one another to healthier living. One great example is making a commitment to exercising for 15 to 20 minutes every day. All it takes is a video or picture to document that you have exercised, and you can talk about what you did at the end of the day.

Long-haul HGV drivers lead a pretty solitary life while out on the road. But with the use of technology and the internet, that life can be made a lot less lonely by interacting with family at home. We hope you will take our suggestions to heart for you and your family. Make a better summer season this year.


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