The argument over who are better drivers has long raged between men and women. But now it appears that Admiral has the data to settle the argument once and for all. The well-known insurance company commissioned a survey that went on to reveal women as being generally safer as drivers. This is one reason more women should take HGV lessons, in our humble opinion.

For the record, the Admiral survey was by no means scientific. You might even make the case that it was conducted tongue-in-cheek. As evidence of that possibility, Admiral determined that the safest drivers of all are women between the ages of 46 and 50, with children, driving an automatic red Honda and living in East Anglia. The worst drivers were found to be young males in their 20s who drive Audis.

All kidding aside, scientific studies do suggest that young males are the most dangerous drivers on the road because they are prone to taking more risks. By contrast, middle-aged women tend to be more cautious behind the wheel. The contrast between the two is clearly seen in everything from violations to accidents to insurance claims.

Women as Professional Drivers

At the HGV Training Centre, we wholeheartedly endorse the idea of encouraging more women to take HGV lessons. Professional driving, as a career, has long been dominated by men due to the difficulty of the work. But new equipment and advancements in driving technology are changing things.

It used to be that professional driving required a tremendous amount of upper body strength to handle large lorries and buses. Before the days of power steering, controlling large commercial vehicles was all about muscle. Shifting gears was no easy task either. Today, driving HGVs is remarkably easier.

Almost every HGV nowadays utilises power steering controlled through a combination of hydraulics and electronics. Some trucks are so sensitive that they can be steered with just a few fingers. We do not recommend doing so, but it is possible nonetheless. As for gear shifting, more and more fleets are transitioning to automatic vehicles when it comes time to upgrade. We may be quickly approaching the day when shifting will longer be necessary.

Train to Be a Professional

We invite men and women of all ages to consider HGV lessons at one of the more than four dozen training facilities we operate throughout the UK. Training to become a professional driver can be completed in a matter of weeks if you learn quickly and are willing to apply yourself. What’s more, we supply everything you need to complete your training and pass your tests. With licence in hand, you will be ready to start looking for work as a professional.

Driving for a living is not a career for everyone. But for those well suited to it, professional driving offers competitive pay, good job stability, and the opportunity to work in a challenging and ever-changing environment. It is an excellent job for both sexes!


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