We see a lot of drivers come and go through our training courses. We would like to believe they all graduate and go on to long and successful careers as lorry or coach drivers. However, we are smart enough to know that is not likely the case. There are workers in every industry that do not quite make it because they don’t like the work, they don’t have the necessary skills, or they do not have the right temperament.

So what makes for a successful lorry driver? That may depend on whom you ask. From our perspective, the top three qualities are as follows:

1. Being Reliable

If nothing else, the haulage industry is married to schedules. The amount of freight that needs to be shipped across Europe requires freight forwarders, logistics companies, and haulage operators to maintain tight scheduling at all times. The successful lorry driver is reliable in that he/she shows up for work on time and meets every delivery schedule.

Nobody likes an unreliable driver because that driver makes it difficult to stay on schedule. Trust us when we say most haulage operators would prefer reliability to a perfect driving record. They need deliveries made on time, consistently and without excuse.

2. Being Safe

After reliability, the next most important quality of the successful lorry driver is a safety mind-set. Why is safety so important? Because the haulage industry is exposed to a tremendous amount of liability on multiple levels. Both operators and drivers are responsible for the cargo they haul, from the time it leaves the distribution point to the time it arrives at the receiving point. They are liable for possible road damage, injuries inflicted in crashes, and penalties imposed for regulatory violations.

The liability exposure is so high that operators cannot afford drivers who do not have a safety first mind-set. They need drivers with excellent records, drivers who can get loads from one point the next with little risk of accidents or penalties. Safe drivers are indeed at a premium.

3. Being Honest

We previously mentioned regulations in terms of safety liability, but we must also address them in light of honesty and integrity. There is no one watching over the shoulder of the lorry driver while he/she is out on the road. It is up to him/her to keep accurate records and comply with regulations governing everything from time spent driving to load securement.

The successful lorry driver is one who is honest enough to comply with regulations even when no one is watching. An honest driver is one who protects not only his/her reputation, but that of his/her employer as well. These kinds of drivers are also at a premium.

If you think you have what it takes to be a successful lorry driver, we would be interested in talking with you. The HGV Training Centre provides affordable and effective training that can prepare you to earn your licence and get to work driving lorries.


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