Materials World Handling magazine reported late last month that one of the UK’s leading equipment rental companies has made a significant financial investment in order to increase its fleet of equipment for short-term rentals. The new equipment includes a selection of forklift trucks that will be rented out for terms shorter than the standard five-year lease term.

According to the report, the company has not ruled out additional investments to bolster its short-term inventory. They said that customers are routinely asking for short-term leases rather than investing in equipment purchases or the long-term lease alternative. Short-term leases provide the opportunity for better financial management and more flexibility in capital expenditures.

Historically, short-term forklift truck leases have been very popular during the peak retail season at the end of the year. Companies tend to lease out extra trucks in order to handle goods coming and going during that time. However, some companies are utilising short-term leases at various increments throughout the year, preferring not to have a forklift truck on site when it’s not being used.

If the short-term lease trend continues, it begs the obvious question about forklift driver training as provided by employers. As the Fork Lift Truck Association explains, there is currently no central licensing authority for forklift operators. That means there’s also no forklift truck licence required to operate one of these vehicles.

The law does require employers to provide appropriate training for any work-related equipment their workers might use, including forklift trucks, affirming that training with some sort of certificate issued by the training body. Employers must also grant permission to operate forklift trucks in writing. Failure to provide training or written authorisation is a violation of the law.

Companies that only use forklift trucks on an occasional basis may not think twice about utilising drivers who have been neither trained nor given written authorisation. Doing so is definitely not wise. All it would take a company to get itself in serious trouble is a single accident by an untrained and unauthorised operator. It is not a risk worth taking.

Your Drivers Can Train with Us

If your company operates forklifts at any capacity, you are welcome to have your drivers train with us at the HGV Training Centre. Forklift truck training is just one of the many services we offer for commercial drivers of every class. And remember, a forklift truck licence is not necessary in order for your operators to continue working. We will issue a certificate upon completion of training which, when combined with your authorisation letter, makes it completely legal for your drivers to operates forklifts on your premises.

Our forklift driver training includes all of the necessary skills and knowledge needed to safely operate a forklift in most environments. If your work includes rough terrain or other off-road conditions, we offer speciality training in these areas as well. Contact us at the HGV Training Centre for more details about our training.


  1. Materials Handling World –
  2. Fork Lift Truck Association –


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