At a recent caravan show in Birmingham, event organisers were beaming over the record attendance numbers this year. Moreover, not only was attendance up, but so was the number of orders for new units. Organisers say the show’s excellent results are indicative of a greater upturn in the caravan market. For the first time since the recession hit, the industry is expecting record sales numbers heading into the New Year.

The good news suggests that there will be more caravans on the road this spring and summer. It also suggests that there will be a greater need for car and trailer training among individual owners who want to purchase larger caravans requiring an advanced licence. Fortunately, the HGV Training Centre offers this training at reasonable prices.

Some drivers will not need an additional licence to tow a caravan if they passed their driving prior to 1997 or will be using a towing package that does not exceed a certain weight limit. However, even if a new licence is not required, proper training is always a good idea. Towing a caravan can be tricky business for new and experienced drivers alike.

Earning Your License

If the regulations require you to earn a licence for your caravan and tow package, the process is straightforward. It begins by contacting the HGV Training to sign up for classes. You will not need to take a theory test because theory was included in the process of earning your standard car licence. Instead, you will go right to practical skills training which involves both classroom work and behind-the-wheel practice.

The HGV Training centre will take you through everything you need to know for your car and trailer test. We will teach you how to hook and unhook your trailer, manoeuver it in and around tight spaces, use your steering and braking properly, and perform an appropriate vehicle inspection prior to departure. These are all things you will definitely be tested on prior to earning your licence.

As an added bonus, the HGV Training Centre makes it a practice to send one of our trainers with you to the car and trailer test site. We found our students are much more comfortable this way because it allows them to go over any final areas of weakness on the way. The extra measure of confidence usually pays off with positive results.

You might be considering the purchase of your first caravan. If so, we think that’s great. We hope you will take our advice and undergo car and trailer training before you take the practical skills test. Training is not required by law, but it does make passing your test the first time a lot easier.

Lastly, you’ll be happy to know that the HGV Training Centre has more than 45 facilities around the country. There should be a facility located within a reasonable distance from where you are. Unfortunately, we are not an approved testing facility; we only provide training services to our customers.


We are open Monday-Thursday 9am to 6pm and Friday 9am to 5:30pm

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