Since the government first announced new regulations concerning CPC certification, it has been widely assumed farmers operating HGVs in any capacity relating to their businesses would be exempt from the requirements. However, recent advice from the Driving Standard Agency (DSA) has cast some doubt on that assumption. The Farmers Union of Wales is now recommending farmers check specifically with the DSA regarding their circumstances.

As the regulations now stand, it appears the CPC qualification exemption only applies to farmers using heavy goods vehicles to transport equipment or supplies. Any transport done to accommodate activities directly related to making a profit is a different matter.

Current language on the DSA website attempts to clarify the confusion by use of the following three examples:

Unfortunately, the examples offered by the DSA still leave plenty of questions unanswered. That’s why the Farmers Union of Wales is recommending individual farmers check directly with the agency. An agency representative should be able to reach a determination based on facts provided by the farmer.

Obtaining CPC Training

Any farmers required by law to comply with the CPC qualification can contact the HGV Training Centre to inquire about the next available class. With more than 45 facilities around the country, we have new classes forming all the time. You should have no trouble completing your CPC training quickly if you get in touch with us right away.

We would urge you to remember the deadline for certification is September of next year (2014). While that may seem a long way off, the spring planting season may not allow you to get your training in next year. Better to do it this autumn or winter while things are a bit slower. If you don’t complete CPC training by next September, you will not be allowed to operate HGVs in any capacity directly related to making a profit.

The HGV Training Centre also wants to remind owners of other types of businesses that we offer company-wide and individual CPC training as well. Just like the farmers, you and your drivers need to adhere to the CPC qualification in order to continue operating legally. The government will have no reservations about suspending your operations next year if drivers are not certified.


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