The HGVT Training Centre has been in the business of training commercial drivers for decades. Over the years, we have noticed something curious among the vast majority of drivers who come to us for training: they assume there is a single LGV test that, if passed, sets them up for life. Nothing could be further from the truth. While obtaining an LGV licence is not particularly complicated or time-consuming, there is no single test that will qualify a driver for his/her entire career. There are actually four tests needed to obtain a licence, followed by additional training and testing every few years.


To be clear, most people are referring to the final practical skills exam when talking about the LGV test. But even that exam has changed within the last few years. We are now under an entirely new system thanks to the implementation of Driver CPC requirements in 2009.

If this sounds too confusing, no worries. We will explain the testing process thoroughly in this guide. By the time you finish reading, you will know everything you need to know in order to determine whether or not you have what it takes to train for the myriad of tests required to be an LGV driver.

The Comprehensive CPC Programme

We used a training system, prior to the implementation of Driver CPC, intended to prepare drivers for two basic tests: the LGV theory test and the final practical skills test. Both tests had two parts that drivers had to pass in order to obtain an LGV licence. The new system has expanded upon the old by requiring additional testing.

According to the DVLA, the current CPC system involves a four-stage testing process as follows:

As you can see, the LGV test is more than just a simple written exam conducted upon the completion of training. It involves multiple exams spread out across the entire training process. The good news is that most drivers can complete both training and the testing regimen in a matter of weeks. You are not required to take a months-long training programme to become a licenced driver. If you can learn and retain the information in just a few weeks, then you can complete your training in that short amount of time.

The LGV Theory Test

In this section of the guide, we want to provide more detail about the LGV theory test. This test consists of two separate parts that can be taken on the same day or in multiple sessions. You cannot take this test until you have your LGV provisional entitlement in hand. To make things as efficient as possible, we recommend our students apply for their provisional entitlements and then spend the next 10 to 14 days preparing for the theory test. By the time the provisional entitlement arrives in the post, the student will be ready to sit the exam.

The two parts of the LGV theory test are as follows:

Any driver who decides to take the two portions of the theory test separately must do so, and earn a passing grade on both, within a two-year time frame. Doing so will result in the theory certificate being awarded. This certificate is necessary for undergoing practical skills training.

The Final Practical Skills Test

The LGV test most drivers are familiar with is the final practical skills test that one must undergo to obtain a commercial driving licence. As with the theory test, the practical skills test is divided into two parts. There is one key difference though: both parts of the practical skills test must be taken during the same session. They cannot be divided into multiple sessions as the theory test can.

The two parts of the practical skills test are as follows:

Candidates know right away whether or not they passed stages 3 and 4 of the LGV test. The examiner will render his or her decision as soon as the tests are completed. If a driver should fail, he or she can immediately book a new session of tests with one caveat: the tests cannot be re-taken for at least three business days.

We Train You to Pass

Now that you know everything you need to about the LGV test, we want to leave you with one final thought: the HGVT Training Centre will train you to pass the first time. You could say that is our number one priority. Unlike some of our competitors, we do not believe in wasting your time or money dealing with things that have nothing to do with the LGV test. Our focus is on training you in such a way that you are able to pass and get on to work as quickly as possible. By the way, our first-time pass rate across all of our training programmes is consistently above 90%.

We utilise a fast-paced and intense training approach that maximises learning, retention, and recall. The success of our training approach is demonstrated by the hundreds of drivers who pass through our classes and go on to be licenced every single month. Our training programme works; we have the numbers to prove it.

The process of training to be an LGV driver begins by contacting us and enrolling in our programme. We will provide all of the information and materials you need to get the ball rolling with your medical exam and LGV provisional entitlement. Then we will help you prepare for the theory portion of the LGV test. After that, you will move on to practical skills training and your eventual final test.

Just think, in a few short weeks you could be the proud holder of an LGV licence. That licence is your open-door to a long and productive career as a professional driver. Want to know more? Contact us right away.

Learn More About the LGV Driving Test

If you want to learn more about training to pass the UK LGV Driving test please select on from one of our articles below.


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