Using Lighter Vehicles to Get around the Minibus Licence Regs

Posted on Mar 17, 2016 by Prath520

Operating minibuses as a non-profit or charity is a good way to provide much-needed transport services to those being served. But finding drivers is not always the easiest thing to do. Ever since the regulations controlling driving licences were changed, it has become harder and harder to find volunteer drivers for minibuses. One solution is..READ MORE

PCV Driver Not to Blame for Slow London Bus Service

Posted on Mar 16, 2016 by Prath520

The turtle-like speed of the London bus service is well known throughout the country. With hundreds of routes and tens of thousands of passengers to service every day, buses in the British capital do not run nearly as fast as they do in other parts of the country. Now we know, based on what has..READ MORE

That Moment Bus Driver Training and Autonomy Collide…Literally

Posted on Mar 04, 2016 by Prath520

If you have not yet heard the news about Google’s autonomous car being involved in an accident with a bus in California, it’s time you heard what happened. According to multiple news reports, the autonomous SUV made a few incorrect calculations and collided with a city bus operated by a human driver. At that moment,..READ MORE

Lorry and Coach Driver Training Apprenticeship: Is It Feasible?

Posted on Mar 03, 2016 by Prath520

Given the government’s recent affirmation that it has no intention of establishing a fund that would make HGV and PCV driving more affordable, the haulage and transport industries have to continue looking for other ways to get new drivers trained and into the workforce. One idea being bandied about is that of establishing lorry and..READ MORE

Coach Drivers Often Caught in the Middle of Local Disputes

Posted on Jan 28, 2016 by Prath520

In the sleepy Gloucestershire town of Burton-on-the-Water, trouble is brewing between local business owners and a group of wealthy residents who cannot agree over whether or not to allow tourist coaches to continue dropping passengers in their village. As is often the case, the average coach driver is caught in the middle of the disagreement...READ MORE

Not Everyone Convinced Robots Will Kill the PCV Licence

Posted on Jan 25, 2016 by Prath520

The Mirror ran an interesting story on 29 December (2015) talking about the possibility of ‘robo buses’ taking over city streets and putting human drivers out of work. The article was in response to comments made by Culture Minister Ed Vaizey. According to Vaizey, automated buses will be on British streets within five years. He..READ MORE

A 3-Tiered Strategy for a Safer Lorry or Coach Driver

Posted on Jan 13, 2016 by Prath520

It’s the fleet manager’s worst nightmare: getting a call near the end of a long day explaining that one of the company’s vehicles has been involved in a serious crash. Most fleet managers prepare for it in some way; all of them hope that day never comes. Fleet managers hope and pray that not a..READ MORE

Arguing Bristol Bus Drivers Could Use Remedial PCV Training

Posted on Jan 07, 2016 by Prath520

Imagine coming upon traffic at a near dead stop in the city centre only to discover that holding everyone else up are two bus drivers arguing over a parking space. That is exactly what happened recently in Bristol city centre. While no damage was done and no criminal charges were levied, the disputing drivers did..READ MORE

Will PCV Training Keep up with Bus Production?

Posted on Oct 26, 2015 by Prath520

Sometimes it seems there are problems that are good problems to have. Such is the case with the recent announcement that Chinese bus manufacturer BYD Co. is planning to expand its UK production of electric buses to as many as 200 per year. They are also considering opening a new plant somewhere in Europe in..READ MORE

3 Reasons PCV/HGV Operators Love Telematics

Posted on Oct 20, 2015 by Prath520

There is little doubt that PCV and HGV operators, in larger numbers, are choosing to purchase telematics systems for their vehicles. As evidence, consider the fact that the Fleet News UK website featured several stories regarding telematics in its news feed earlier this week. Telematics have become a popular technology resource because these offer lots..READ MORE


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