Leeds Bus Passengers Treated to New £3.5 Million Fleet

Posted on Oct 16, 2014 by Prath520

If you think London is the only place you will find state-of-the-art double-decker buses providing city service, think again. First, one of the leading providers of bus transportation in the region, has introduced a brand-new £3.5 million fleet of vehicles that any PCV driver would be proud to work with. First hopes the 18-vehicle fleet..READ MORE

Celebrate Routemaster Anniversary with PCV Training

Posted on Sep 25, 2014 by Prath520

If you happened to go onto Google yesterday, and we suspect that is the case, did you notice the Google Doodle of the London Routemaster bus? The world’s biggest search engine frequently creates different doodles to honour important events and/or people. Yesterday they decided to pay homage to the Routemaster on its 60th anniversary. You..READ MORE

20-year-old Woman Earns PCV Licence and Will Join Family Business

Posted on Sep 16, 2014 by Prath520

A 20-year-old female student from Perthshire has done something very few young woman ever consider doing: she has earned her PCV licence to become a coach driver in her family’s business. Nicola Docherty is currently a student at Glasgow University, but she intends to return home after her studies to drive for Docherty’s Midland Coaches...READ MORE

Bus Driver Training Needs to Include Loose Steering Wheel

Posted on Sep 10, 2014 by Prath520

Common sense seems to dictate that bus driver training need not address what a driver should do if he or she notices a loose steering wheel. Nevertheless, apparently that is not the case, at least for the bus driver who found himself in a precarious situation in Malta. A video has surfaced showing the driver..READ MORE

Coach Driver Arrested in Spain – Passengers Left Stranded

Posted on Sep 08, 2014 by Prath520

When the passengers on a London-bound Megabus realised their driver was being pulled over by police 50 miles north of Barcelona, many likely thought it would be a minor inconvenience that would have them back on their way in a few minutes. It didn’t work out that way. The driver was arrested, leaving the multinational..READ MORE

Angry Coach Driver Blocks Cyclists by Driving on Pavement

Posted on Aug 19, 2014 by Prath520

An angry coach driver in London apparently set aside some of what he learned in bus driver training when he mounted the pavement in an attempt to stop two cyclists. The incident, which took place on August 2, resulted in no injuries to either the cyclists or the bus passengers. However, it did cost the..READ MORE

Minibus Welcomed by Bolton Special School

Posted on Aug 18, 2014 by Prath520

A special school in Bolton is the recipient of a new Peugeot 17-seat minibus, compliments of local residents who banded together to raise money for the purchase. The new vehicle, which is wheelchair accessible, will allow the Ladybook school to transport students to extracurricular activities more safely and efficiently. The minibus has already been branded..READ MORE

UK’s Largest Bus Depot Opens in Time for Commonwealth Games

Posted on Jul 29, 2014 by Prath520

The UK’s largest bus depot opened just in time for the Commonwealth Games being staged in Glasgow from July 23 through until August 3. Although the depot’s completion date is still months away, the July opening has made it possible to provide the public transportation necessary to serve tens of thousands of athletes and spectators...READ MORE

London Buses Finally Go Cashless

Posted on Jul 14, 2014 by Prath520

After warning for some time that London buses would eventually stop accepting cash payments, Transport for London (TfL) fully implemented the cashless plan earlier this month. From July 5, cash is no longer being accepted as a means of paying for a trip around town. The bus system now accepts only prepaid tickets, contactless payment..READ MORE

Carmel Coaches Loses Operators Licence for 18 Months

Posted on Jun 10, 2014 by Prath520

If there is anything companies in the transport sector know for sure, it is the fact that even the smallest violation could cost you your operator’s licence for a significant amount of time. Therefore, it is rather surprising that Carmel Coaches Ltd continued to operate in violation of the law even after having been approached..READ MORE


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